Update on Blain's mother...

Jun 28, 2006 23:41

Some of you will get this in e-mail, some of you won't... if you want the e-mail updates but haven't gotten them it's probably because Blain doesn't have your e-mail address, so ping either him or me if that's the case, k?

tonight's update, post-op which went late (and posted even a bit later, once my phone finally quit ringing):

Sending this on at Blain's request, since his internet access is questionable right now and access to e-mail is non-existent even if he could access the web.

I spoke with both Emily and Blain today. Della has rallied a bit, with everyone being down there. Her voice was stronger and her colour good, which is encouraging. Her "other doctor" came in this evening and took Della in for surgery, and they drained 1.8 litres of fluid from her left lung withOUT it collapsing. They're talking about starting her on chemo very quickly, here, and if she's strong enough to be moved in a couple of days they'll move her to the hospice unit right outside the hospital. Blain said Della's take on the question of doing chemo again was that she wasn't sure the chemo wouldn't kill her, but she KNOWS the cancer will, and being unable to breath for fluid buildup is unacceptable, so she's going to gamble on the maybe instead of waiting out the sure thing. Her spirit and determination remain, which is a definite Good Thing!

Right now, the plans for staying down there are all up in the air. Blain said he and the kids would remain there for probably another week and see how things are going - if it looks as though she'll be approaching another "death's door" situation in the near future, they'll stay, but if she seems stable again then they'll come back home. It really depends on whether there's any useful purpose to their being there.

Many thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts. They've helped, and they - and you - are greatly appreciated!

public, med stuff

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