FYI re: Blain's mom..

Jun 26, 2006 11:18

I think, by now, pretty much everyone who would want to know has already been let know... still need to phone Robert, but will do that here in a minute.

For anyone who's been missed by Blain or the kids or me, anyone who knew Blain's mom or knows the kids well enough to know how rocked they'll be losing their grandma...

Blain's post on the current situation pretty well says it all.

I'll be taking them to the airport at about 4pm here. God alone knows when they'll be back, with the exception of kisacarebear who has committments up here starting on her birthday, the tenth, so one way or another she'll be back by then. They seem to be holding up okay-ish, at this point. Been through the initial meltdown, picked themselves up, and are taking care of matters at hand now. All prayers, warm thoughts, and good vibes for them all (from Blain's mom on down to the newest additions, who are due this week), will be greatly appreciated.

Small guage of her character - how many people do you know who'd be in tears over their mother-in-law's impending death? :-S She's a good woman, and I wasn't ready to let her go yet. *cry*

So, anyway... if we had missed letting you know - I'm sorry. Pax? And otherwise - there ya go. Yay.
Now, go hug someone you love. Never know if they'll be there tomorrow.

*hugs you all*

public, med stuff

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