A blizzard of Good-Stuff­™

Feb 16, 2007 11:43

Kapcon, Wellington, New Home, Nazi Potatoes armed with Celestial Dinnerware.

I spent a few months building pylons in Wellington, right across their biggest fault-line. We made them very strong, but only time will tell whether they're strong enough.

While I was there I stayed with my marvelous friend Shayne, his life crashed a few years back (sounds familiar) and he's busily fixing it. Shayne has the talent I value above all others, he uses words to make people strong. He also has a very comfy couch. He's just got engaged with someone who suits him like the winged keel suited Australia II. Yay! :o)

Kapcon was awesome, and I got to bask in the personalities of the Wellington gaming crowd, who simply rock. I fall completely for at least one character every LARP. Wellington is NZ's roleplaying capital.

The games forum met too, and I got to learn a couple of new games, the best of which is 'Emira', in which you have to impress the Princess so she'll join your harem. Obviously I'm the most eligible Sheik on the planet... So why haven't I won even once yet? No accounting for the whims of Princesses :oP

New Home
I've been dissatisfied with my old place in Ponsonby for a while now. I love to entertain friends, and the Ponsonby flat was not a good venue for that. While there I got the green light on a home I'd applied to rent. So on my return, I loaded up the cart and moved.

I now have a shiny home, with sparkly flatmates:

Karen (Menolly) - of America, SCA, Kaos, and assorted other geek fame. In an army of Energizer Bunnies, she'd be running logistics.

Shannon - of SCA. Shannon is into medieval stuff, sewing, cooking, and reading. Shannon is very talented & has helium in her shoes.

And soon - Natalie - I don't really know Natalie, we've met about a dozen times, but I was generally an offensive dwarven cleric, and she was a posh elven paladin. Roleplaying is a great way to meet people, but the people you meet aren't the same species as you flat with. Natalie has a fuzzy cat, a lounge-suite, a spare telly, and a fridge. So I think we're gonna get on great :o)

Flat's in Oranga, which is between One Tree Hill, Penrose, and Onehunga. We'll organise a flat-warming sometime soon. Expect numerous & diverse people.

The View from Here
This month I shifted, helped with Battlecry, worked, built a network, shelves, and exercise gear, billed, paid bills, moved money around. In fact, lots of things.

There is a common thread...

Each thing was me working to improve my life.
And while that's not the point of life, it's a critical part of it.

It's been a great year already.

Snowboarding tonight, flick me a txt if you'd like a lift. And if not tonight, my hardout friend Leonard (who loves to meet new people) is celebrating his birthday with a snowplanet trip Friday 23rd.

Love 'n' Bugs,

PS. The Nazi Potatoes send their regrets, they are engaged in saving us from the Magical Furry Pear That Eats All, and I can't tell you how it turns out until Alexander writes Issue #2.
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