I give you prompt#22- Death...in which I could not bring myself to write something truly angsty :P
Prompt #22: Death
Title: Okay
Pairing: Brian/AJ (Backstreet Boys)
Rating: PG-13- slight language
Warnings: None
Summary: AJ comes to grips with life, love, and the possibility of death.
Feedback: Roks my sock and feeds my muses. Comment if you like :)
AJ could remember the exact moment his world had turned upside down. He was twenty years old and it was the first time in his life that he’d ever been truly scared. Up until then he was more immature and self-centered than he cared to admit. Acting more like his younger band-mate than the grown man he was. He never really thought much about death. But that was before reality had bitch-slapped him in the face and made him realize that no one is guaranteed another day.
He’d never felt that gut-wrenching pain that came with knowing someone you loved might not make it. Never felt the all-consuming fear of death looming close at hand. AJ had never been more terrified in all of his life.
He’d never really been big on prayer. It wasn’t that he didn’t have faith, he just didn’t take the time to stop and do it that often. Suddenly he was doing it every day, sometimes every hour. After all it was all he could do, all any of them could do.
He didn’t understand then, and honestly he still couldn’t, why he had to be the one to go through it all. Why the only person that AJ had ever know that was genuinely good and decent had to be put through so much hell. He didn’t deserve it, no one really did, but he’d deserved it even less.
AJ had pretty much known from the moment he met him that something big was happening. Something life-altering, yet something it took him years of adolescent angst to put his finger on. He was in love, and he was in love with a man. For a long time he didn’t know how to deal with that.
But when he came face to face with the possibility that he might lose him, truly lose him, his own issues just didn’t seem that important anymore. He knew what he felt was real, true. The sharp pain twisting in his gut at the thought of having to live life without him told him it was.
It was the most horrible time in his life and yet at the same time it was the beginning of something more wonderful than AJ could have ever imagined. He had to almost lose him to make him see how much he needed him. It was the push he needed to make him take that first step.
Their first kiss had been in a hospital. AJ trying to hold back tears and Brian wiping them away and promising him that everything was going to be okay. AJ could still vividly remember that moment. The way Brian had looked so frail and yet so damn strong all at the same time. The surprise in his eyes after AJ had kissed him, then the love shining back at him when AJ had finally confessed how he felt. The feel of Brian’s lips pressed softly against his, their fingers tangled together and Brian squeezing them softly to reassure him it was okay.
Now, he was older and maybe just a bit wiser. He’d faced death many more times since that day, his own on a few occasions. But Brian was always there for him like he was that day. Still kissing him softly to reassure him things would be okay. And AJ knew now that they were okay. As long as he had Brian, as long as he could feel the steady beat of the heart beneath him as he pressed himself tightly against his lover, things would always be okay.