Gonna be a looooong summer....

May 21, 2012 01:53

Ok first off thank you Lyndi for letting me know about Greg coming to Boston soon, and it turns out Ingrid is coming too I think in either July or August so I'm gonna be sure to try and get tix for that too :)

But my real purpose in writing this was to recap and evaluate the finales I've watched this last week, 5 in all and they were all awesome. Fair warning if you watch any of these shows and haven't seen these finales yet do not real the highlighted portion of this post if you do not want to be spoiled. But this my take on the awesomeness of this years tv season and the great finales that resulted.   They are for Fringe, Once Upon A Time, NCIS, Person of Interest, and Grimm fair warning...

Fringe - Friday at 9/8 Central on Fox

As mind bending as always Fringe definatly delivered this year as well. Olivia and Peter and the rest of the team attempted to thawrt William Bell's (played by Leonard Nimoy) attempts to collapse the universes and create one of his own. An activated Olivia unknowingly is fascilatating this effort against her will and in an attempt to stop the whole process Walter shoots Olivia in the head with a special gun and stops the process. For now that is. Because it's a certain kind of bullet he's able to save Olivia by removing the bullet, of great relief to Peter. In the hospital later, Olivia informs Peter that she is expecting a little Bishop baby(took a moment to squeeeee here hehe)  and the 2, along with Walter and Astrid have a few moments of normal before an Observer tells Walter that 'they are coming' meaning a takeover is about to happen. If they summary seems weird and mumbo jumbo to you let me tell you if you watched the show it would make a weird bit of sense.

Rating (1-10) based on level of cliffhanger/next season expectation and content) = Solid 9

Notess: The show featured a few familar faces from Lost fame this year, most notable, Henry Ian Cusick  and Rebecca Mader.Fri nge will be returning for one more season to wrap things up.

Once Upon A Time - Sundays at 9 on ABC

This show has become a huge hit for ABC and the finale left nothing on the table and lived up to its expectations. In Storybrook, Henry eats the poisoned appled turnover intended for his biological mother Emma and falls into a coma as a result. As Emma is in the hospital with Henry, she comes to realization (about damn time too) that the stories are real and knows that Regina is responisble for Henry's condition, among other things. They form an unlikely truce in an attempt to save him, and try to recover the only magic left in Storybrook. Kept safe in an unlikely place by Rumplestilskin aka Mr. Gold. A bauble hidden in Malificient, in her dragon by Emma's own father, Prince Charming. And Emma must retrieve it from the dragon, who has been hidden under Storybrook by Regina. The show does an excellent back and forth showing Emma's battle with the dragon, juxaposed by the battle in the fairy-tale world between her father and dragon, weaving them both together. In other developments, Jefferson aka The Mad Hatter, feeling burning once again by Queen Regina, frees Belle (Emilie de Ravian) from her cell in the mental ward of the hospital and sends her to Mr. Gold knowing full well what the repercussions of that will be for Regina. Finding out that Regina looked up the the woman he loves will make Rumplstkwkin a very dangerous enemy (the reunion was fabulous btw ). To make a long story short, it turns out the only magic Emma needed to save Henry and restore the memories of the people of Storybrook was her love for Henry. And at one moment it seems that everything will be alright. But Rumplestilskin has someething up his sleeve,, releasing a new mysterious speel, and it looks like a war between him and the Queen is brewing. Awesome.

Rating - Another solid 9. Think thee was a little more they coul've done but it was pretty damn good nonetheless.

Note: I think my favorite new character was definatly Jefferson the Mad Hatter Not only is this one of my favortie literary characters ever, the guy playing him is pretty damn hot as well. And I love that Emilie is back on the show as well, good to see her and it was just wonderful to see that reunion finally. This show as renewd for the next season so unlike Flashforward, we won't hang for long.

NCIS - Tuesdays at 8 on CBS

To say this was explosive was putting it mildly. The demented Harper Derring (Richard Schiff of  The West Wing fame) continues his vendetta against the Navy and takes it to the most extreme level on the finale. Derring, for a demented psycho is pretty damn smart and manipulates everyone, staying a step ahead of Gibbs and Dr. Ryan (wonderully played by Jamie Lee Curtis) going so far as to get her husband out of jail to get her out of the picture. As all this going on, Jimmy Palmer is preparing for his wedding and is out of town with Ducky when the climax occurs. The planting of a bomb in Director Vances car is discovered way to late by the team and Cole to prevent a hideous disaster from occuring. The bomb huge amount of C4, enough to take out an entire city block, was meant for the Pentagon, but its all the same to Deering if it stays on the Naval base where NCIS is located. Gibbs barely has time to grab Abby before it goes off, seemingly blowing McGe out of his shoes in the front office and trapping Tony and Ziva in the crashing evlevator. We do not, as of now know their fates. But the news of the disaster and the amount of dead is enough to seemingly give Ducky, whose still on the left coast, a heart attack on the beach. And the rest of us stunned on our couches. It seems like Jimmys gonna have alot to do when he comes back :(

Rating - 10. Solidly. Cliffhangers don't get any better than this IMO leaving just about everyone in serious jeopardy for the next season. It's gonna be a very long couple of months.

Notes - NCIs is renewd for it's 10th season and I know there is a possibility for some cast turnover. Still I hate to see anyone go but i'm glad the show hasn't lost any of what made it great. You care about all these characters and hoping for the best. Great writing and a great cast will cause that.

Person of Interest - Thursdays at 9pm on CBS

In the first season finale, the machine spits out the number of a psychatrist whose is either the perp of the victim of a potential crime. In Reese and Finch's efforts to save her it becomes clear that their are people in teh police department who want the woman dead and a former CIA agent on the trail of anyone who knows of the machines existence. But as it turns out, the woman they are trying to save is, in fact , an agent herself, deliberatly putting herself in harms way to get to Finch and the machine. Also Detective Carter and Farso realize they have both been working for the same cause. And it seems they have to help Reese, along with the help fo the machine, to find Finch before it's too late.

Rating - I give an 8 cause it's the first season, and I have a feeling it will have a few more. The concept of this show is amazing and I'd like to see it continue.

Notes - It will continue. CBS picked up Person of Interest for the next season so we will see Jim Cavzel and Micheal Emerson next year, playing perfectly off eachother. The show not only features Lost alum Emerson, but also Brett Cullen aka Goodwin and Alan Dale aka Widmore as well (who also appeared on OUAT as well, this guys in everything it seems). It's another Bad Robot production, like Lost and Fringe btw.

Grimm - Fridays at 9 on NBC

This show is weirdly cool that its hard not to love. Another take on fairy tales, of a slightly different ilk than OUAT. In the finale it sets up it's next season quite well. Adalyn, the witch whose powers were destroyed by Nick in an earlier episode, plots her revenge by poisoning Nick's vet girlfriend Juliet via a cat scratch, which prompts Nick to attempt to finally tell her about his identity as a Grimm (who if you don't watch the show is a sort of enforcer/hunter of mythical characters that have actually turned out to to be real variatitions are people.) When he attempts to explain this Juliet by showing her all the research and equipment his late aunt, a former Grimm left him, she naturally thinks he's lost his mind. During this time, a man who may have been responsible for the deaths of Nick's parents when he was a child, is in town hunting down some trinkets of great power, putting everyone Nick knows in considerable danger.  Juliet, right before Nick can prove to her that he is not, in fact crazy, passes out from her poisioned scratch and his hospitalezed. As Monroe and Rosalee, friends of Nicks, attempt to find out what has happened to her, Nick comes face to face with his parents killer, only find out in the struggle that his mother, is in fact alive. And Juliet awakes at the hospital, looking a little... different.

Rating - I give it a 9 cause for a first season finale it rocked. If you'd been watching the show, so many things started coming together and the payoff of people like Nicks partner Griffen and Juliet finding out whats really been going on is really cool.

Notes - I think Monroe is one of my favorite new characters on tv. He is a Blute-bo which is sort of like the Big Bad Wold. But he is a good guy and a highly aumsing character who is well cast and well written. David Grimnel who plays Nick is a find as well, a good actor who shows his characters conflicts and daulity quite well. And not bad to look at either. And this show does a great job with his relationship with the aforementioned Juliet as well. Be interesting to see how that turns out. Grimm has been renewed for another season and i'm personally glad that these niche shows have become hits, shows in the wake of the X-Files and Lost.

Now there was a season finale for Criminal Minds that I saw but I haven't seen enough of the current season to judge it just yet. And House is coming to an end, but the finale hasn't aired yet so i'll reserve judgement there too.

All I can say is that it's gonna be a long summer, waiting for the new premieres next season (and for hockey season too ha) but the finales were incredible this year no doubt.

grimm, once upon a time, ncis, fringe, reviews, person of interest

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