Mary Sue, I see you! Yes, it's more than just the HP fandom, and the Mary Sues have struck SPN. From red heads with emerald eyes to golden blondes with sapphire eyes that turn amber when angry, we have the sudden urge to spork 'em to death. But for now, we shall mock.
Write a 300 word (maximum) story about your SPN Mary Sue... and make her as "perfect" as possible. Btw, crossovers are allowed.
Post your short write-up on your own journal as well as
this original post so that we all can gather and have a good laugh--because God only knows we all need one.
Mary Sue, I See You Meme {Code}
Mary Sue, I see you! Yes, it's more than just the HP fandom, and the Mary Sues have struck SPN. From red heads with emerald eyes to golden blondes with sapphire eyes that turn amber when angry, we have the sudden urge to spork 'em to death. But for now, we shall mock.
Write a 400 word (maximum) story about your SPN Mary Sue... and make her as "perfect" as possible. Btw, crossovers are allowed.
Post your short write-up on your own journal as well as" target="_blank">this original post so that we all can gather and have a good laugh--because God only knows we all need one. (
Her dark raven hair shone beneath the soft fluorescent light of the basement while the cold air tickle the back of her neck.)