Way baked

Mar 03, 2006 01:53

So this week was pretty boring. Monday and tuesday were filled with boredom. Wednesday I slept over Brents house to work on our senior project movie. I ate KFC, we sat around and played with axe body spray, I played Devil May Cry 3, etc. Eventually at around 4 or so we went to bed. We woke up in the morning and went to Shop n' Save where Brent got his paycheck and I got two donuts. We went back to his house, worked on the movie some more, and went to pick people up from their bus stop. Once we got Rondie, Susan, and Chiang, we went to KFC and ate. We dropped Rondie and Chiang off and then me, Brent, and Susan went to Brents house. We sat around and then Brent dropped me off at home.

This weekend looks promising with lots of fun and whatnot along with alot of me not being home. Today I'm waking up early to do some stuff around the house, homework, and then Rondie is picking me up at around 2:30 or so and also picking up Sarah and Maiq from school and were going to see Ultraviolet with Milla Jovovich which looks kickass like hell. Lots of getting together is going to happen afterwards including a night full of ruckus at Rondies house resulting in a sleep over. To my knowledge me, nicole, Brent, Susan, Brandon, Kurt, Don, Maiq, Val, Meagan, Pat, Rudy and Chiang are Going over there for quite awhile along with most of us sleeping over. over there. Saturday will result in some fun as well which I've yet to be aware of, and Sunday is Nicoles birthday and me, her, and her friend Daniel are going to her house and whatnot.

So I guess that's it for my small update. May the power protect you.

Picture of the update:

My prediction for the future: Aliens will undoubtably fuck our asses raw.

My prediction that is potentially better than Dons: Friday night will bring upon a mass of rukus.

My mood rating on this Journal entry from 1-10(1 being worse...10 being good): 9

Side projects:
-Establishing Diga Amor: 0% finished
-Untitled home video: 0% finished
-Poutbox: 0% finished
-Potato Launcher: 0% finished
-Obtaining a job: 0% finished
-Obtaining my drivers permit: 0%
-Senior project movie: 25% finished

Things you should probably be aware of:
-Days until potential Road Trip '06(Subject to change): 130 days
-Days I've had a Dr. Pepper(Expiration:November 17, 2003) since its expiration date: 839 days
-Days I've had Brent's glucagon instructions on my desk: 74 days
-Length of hair: Close to 9 inches or something like that
-Days I've a Cherry Condom and a blunt sitting on my desk: 98 days
-Days I've had Nicoles hairband around my wrist: 71 days
-Days I've gone without McDonalds since December 30, 2005: 65 days
-Number of missed calls I have from Brent: 96 calls
-Donation money to the CNSLCF(The Can): $19.24
-Days I've had the tennis ball used on the Morning of Mayhem which took place July 30, 2004: 552 days
-Days until graduation of 2006: 89 days
-Days until Woody High Prom: 73 days
-Number of songs on my computer/space total songs take up on my  hard drive: 14,145 songs/54.1 GB
-Days Since Ron has shaved:18 days
-Days until new Tool album is released(May 3rd...however the date may change.):  61 days
-Cars I've driven without my license: 3 cars

Johnson Meter: 42%

''The Morgue"
-R.I.P. Bag of Goldfish: 289 days old
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