Oct 26, 2006 10:03
The next few days are going to be insanely difficult. I've got a probability midterm tomorrow, a microeconomics problem set due Tuesday, a probability problem set due Wednesday, and a macroeconomics problem set due Thursday. Plus the probability quiz on Friday and then macroeconomics midterm the Tuesday after next. Oh, and a linear algebra take-home test due sometime in the next two weeks. All of this stuff takes forever to prepare for and forever to do.
Lately, I feel like I've been stuck in some kind of rut. No matter how much effort I make to study, ask professors questions, go to tutoring sessions, I can't seem to understand what we're learning in class. It's like I'm copying down lecture notes and then looking back at them as if they're in Greek. It's really beginning to stress me out because midterms round 2 are starting and I've already did pretty darn badly on midterms round 1. There's a mental wall that keeps all of this information from making sense, and it's insanely frustrating.
In other news, though, I've learned how to knit! And it's kind of stress-relieving. I knit a few rows in the time between my probability class and linear algebra class and the time between my microeconomics and macroeconomics classes. It's not the prettiest scarf in the world, but it's my first, so I'm going to wear it proudly once it's finished.
... I really should be studying or finishing up my macro assignment, but this feeling of abject horror comes over me every time I think about school. I'm even dreaming about failing my tests and getting sick right before my tests so that I can't think straight during the exams. Oh man.