Singing Love To You II

Aug 26, 2011 04:33

Title: Singing Love To You II
Pairing: KokiMaru
Rating: erm, two safe fics and one smut..?
Genre: mixed
Chapter: drabbles
Summary: Three drabbles based on three songs that randomly played on my playlist. It was supposed to be five but the other two sucks so... *sweatdrop*
Note: For anybody who loves taNaka but mainly for my twin because I really owe her a lot~!! (hopes she's not angyry...) T-T

== *** ==

(the Gazette)

Light still flooded your shared apartment at 2:00 in the morning. One would think you’re still awake waiting for him to be home. But of course, you weren’t. You were waiting for 3 hours, until an hour ago, but now you were nothing more than a sleeping mess on the couch. And the sight of you curled uncomfortably was what caught his attention when he first entered the room.

How awkward could it be, hunched over such a small space that was barely able to accommodate your lean form. But there you were, sleeping soundlessly with dried tears staining your cheeks. He kneeled beside you and caressed those tear-stained cheeks. It woke you up, and the next thing you know, you were staring back at guilty gaze, your eyes blurry with sleep and clouded with sadness. But you blinked any of those emotions away, hoping he didn’t notice them, wouldn’t take notice of them, just like you didn’t take notice of the guilt and regret swimming on his eyes. You sat up fast and slapped both your palms on your cheeks to wake yourself up.

“I’m sorry, I fell asleep. Have you eaten your dinner already?” You smiled at him as brightly as you could and stood up to head to the kitchen, turning your head away to hide your face as tears gathered in your eyes again. “I cooked some food for you. But I think it was cold so I have to heat it again---”

He held your wrist and grabbed you back before you can go further, capturing you in a tight embrace. It surprised you, rendering you frozen for a minute. When you regained your wit back, you gently tried to free yourself but he wouldn’t let go.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered against your ear.

“It’s ok,” you said, patting him on his back. “Coming home late is not a sin.”

Oh, but you’re not stupid. And you cursed yourself for the slight trembling of your voice. How many times have you wanted to let go? How many times have you thought of giving up? Because you knew what he was doing behind your back and you were hurting so bad.

But he held unto you tighter, and he refused to let slip away. And you felt like suffocating, although if it’s from the tight embrace or from the overwhelming emotion, you didn’t know. All you knew was that you still had the strength to hang on. And as long as you do, you know will. Even if it hurts to smell another woman’s perform on his clothes.

== *** ==

Last Snow

The day we first met, it was snowing really hard and you were rushing past the crowd. The door of the subway nearly shutting on your face had it not been for my hand that stopped it, only because you looked pathetic with all those white flakes decorating your black coat and messy hair, and your cheeks pink and puffy from coldness and running too fast.

You gave me a sincere “thanks” but I never returned it and you didn’t speak further either. At that day, none of us thought our lives would be entwined this way.

The first day we talked, it was also snowing. The junior’s first meeting, our batch that is, while we were still waiting for Akanishi, Nishikido and Yamapi to show up and everybody else was doing their own business because we haven’t been introduced yet, you were staring outside the window, totally transfixed with the falling snow.

“Who wants to play snowball fight?” that was Masuda who asked, but it was you who beamed so brightly and raised your hand immediately with the desire to join the fun. And when he ran outside with Koyama and Tegoshi, you immediately followed him, dragging another random body with you - that just happened to be me.

“Hey,” I protested and pulled back. “I don’t even know you.” You stopped on your tracks and looked at me.

“My name’s Nakamaru Yuichi. Nice to meet you. We can play now, neh?” you smiled and dragged me again. This time, I followed you. Taguchi, Kamenashi, and a few more followed close behind. It was an enjoyable fight, with a lot of us finally getting to know each other and the two of us starting to build a world of our own.

The time we changed our relationship from friends to something else? It was also snowing. We were filming Cartoon KATTUN then; I remembered you were playing with Jin throwing snowballs against each other. Seeing you so happy, it made me smile. Yet at the same time, I felt jealous that it was Jin you were laughing with. But then you just had to hurl a snowball at me, and I just had to chase you around to get my revenge.

We ended up lying on the snow, side by side, staring back at the sky. I don’t know how or why but I just suddenly felt your hand covered in thick gloves. It reached for my own hand and grasped them against the thick fabric. I was surprised but not bothered. In fact, I felt a little bubble of happiness on my chest and I squeezed your hand back. We looked at each other and smiled. Then we laughed. We knew then, no words were needed.

A lot of first had been shared either under the falling snow, standing on thick white ground, or inside a room while it was snowflakes swirled outside. Our first date was ruined by a snow storm, remember? Our first kiss was shared on the rooftop of the JE building, while soft snow fell on us. The first time we made love? We were wrapped against each other’s warmth while everything else was white and cold outside.

And now, while we’re here in Vegas, and I can’t help but feel a little sad. It’s a very important day for us, the day we’re gonna promise each other forever. How come it’s not snowing here? I sigh.

You seem to notice because you’re approaching me now, while the rest of KATTUN and still more of our friends are busy talking before the event starts. You hold my hand and give a little squeeze.

“My sister called me up.”

“What did she say?”

“Nothing much. But it’s snowing back home.”

I smile at you and you smile back. Again, no words are needed between us.

== *** ==

Puzzle Ring

He moaned and writhed beneath, legs around his lover’s waist pulling him closer. He was gasping at every movement the man on top of him made, thrusting inside him, driving him senseless, pushing him closer and closer to the edge of insanity. And damn, it felt so fucking good.

“Oh, shit!” was his crisp curse as his lover hit a sensitive bunch of nerves. He followed it with more profanities and a lot of begging as the he action became faster, more urgent.

He reached above him to grasp the headboard of the bed, arching helplessly as he tried to catch his breath. The pressure within him swirled and built and he felt himself nearing the edge. His lover beat him to it. He felt hot liquid fill him from within, accompanied by a loud call of him name, and all movement halted.

“Don’t you fucking dare stop now,” He growled dangerously in annoyance and frustration as the other man pulled out of him, the feeling of emptiness immediately invading.

“Of course not,” the other just chuckled, kneeling down and grasping his still hard erection on his hand. He moaned in relief and anticipation, thanking whatever god was listening that he didn’t have to kill the love of his life for leaving him at such a state.

But all thoughts flew out his mind when he felt warm tongue licking him from the base to the top before sucking his tip experimentally. The pressure within him swirled again, and it took only one swift movement to deep throat him and a hard suck before he came, drowning on the feeling of his lover swallowing every essence he released. His lover released him with a loud pop, hovering over him with a devilish smirk before capturing his lips in a lingering kiss.

He tried to trap him on his embrace, shifting their position so he was the one on top. He tried to gain dominance for another round but the other giggled and pushed him away.

“Remember the deal,” he teased. “As long as you haven’t solved it yet, I’m topping.”

“But Yucchi,” he whined. “A 6 band puzzle ring is not that easy!”

“Ahw~ You should have thought of that before accepting the challenge. Besides, you seemed to enjoy it quite a lot.” He grinned. You blushed.

“Fuck you!” you scowled. He laughed.

“Not until the puzzle’s solved.”

“Fine,” you sighed then grinned maliciously. “Fuck me again instead.”

== *** ==

drabbles, kokimaru, kattun

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