Title: VeeRush
Pairing: TaNakamaru (plus little JunDa and aKame maybe)
Rating: Pg-13
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Chapter: [ 4 / 12 ]
Summary: Yuichi is a 24year-old virgin willing to get laid before he reaches 26 next month - I mean DESPERATE to get laid. Koki is a pimp who has no sexual preference, bedding both girls and guys. A perfect match made in hell. If only they don’t hate each other’s guts that much.
Note: Just a special 1 month, 4 days fic… oh, you know it!
Disclaimer: None of them is mine. And when I said none, I mean I have one - locked inside my dreams... *wink*
Username: Namaru
Password: *****
August 14, 2009
*is confused*
I’ve been taking the subway for a week now, On-Jou. And as such, it is inevitable for me to see him there. And all these times, he did nothing but irritate me! I really hate him! He kept smiling that insulting smile of his, kept buggering me with unreadable gazes, kept looking at me like there was something funny. He’s really annoying, On-Jou, I’m quite happy to be going back to my normal routine by next week. (My car’s fixed now so there’s no need for the subway anymore)
But that’s not the reason I’m writing you know. Actually, I’m still on the same subject here, namely the imbecile, Koki. Yes, I already know his name. Jin told me when we accidentally talked about him, with matching wink and teasing smile. He expected me to like him. Too bad, then. I made it clear to Junno and him how much I hate that pimp. But they just laughed me off! Juno even told me it must be fate we found each other every night on the subway when it has many carts. Fate my ass. Like the torture I suffer because it was fate Tatsuya is my brother and he is my friend and they always make me their messenger / errand boy / mediator since they started going out up until now?! Pfft.
Sorry, On-Jou. I wasn’t supposed to write that. I guess there’s something wrong with me. I’m spacing out a lot right now. I’m not sure if it’s because of the imbecile’s words earlier, but it sure has its effect on me. You see, despite seeing each other almost every day of this week, we actually only talked twice. Last Monday and today. And within those conversations, nothing good came out.
Well, the reason we haven’t talked the other days were because he always had somebody with him, if yu know what I mean. I guess he’s bi because one time he was with this really pretty guy instead of a girl. It was only today that he was alone again. And so as it goes, he sat next to me the moment he caught me sitting there. And with the crudeness he always possessed, he swung his arm around me like he knew me personally. So of course I would react! I tried to shrug his arm off and glared at him badly, but as usual, he simply returned my glare with a grin and ignored my attempts on getting away. (I’ll never win that one)
He leaned quite close to me (he was warm) and asked if I wanted to go with him. Turned out he was headed to their club. Maybe he thought I was heading there, too since I was there last Friday. Of course I turned him down. I told him I have no time for such worthless things. He pouted like he was sad about my refusal. I bet he didn’t believe me, though, since his eyes held a mischievous spark. (Hey, why am I taking note of that?!)
Anyway, I don’t think I needed to explain to him why I went there last week so I just left it like that. I also didn’t want to talk to him so I kept quiet and I didn’t throw him another glance. I thought he understood my silence but I was wrong again. Apparently, he was too dumb not to know when I person likes to converse with him or not. I wasn’t quite sure but I know he leaned at me again. I thought he was going to continue bothering me about clubbing so I glared at him. A glare that turned into a gape when I finally comprehended his question. His question is: “Are you gay?”
Yes, On-Jou, he asked me that! I know those were the exact words since it was simple and clear and, well, straight to the point! Three words, On-Jou. Only three words! He, a STRANGER, actually asked me “are you gay?”! I was like “WTF?!” and he was like “so, are you~?”
I glared more sharply at him and wished glares could kill for him to be dead but he didn’t die so I just kept glaring and maintained my silence. I still hate him and don’t want to talk to him. Besides, why did he care? And besides again, so what if I am?! But he, being the imbecile that he is, took my silence not as a rejection but as a yes! I heard him murmur “I thought so” as his hold on my shoulder went a bit tighter. I tried shrugging it off again but he was persistent! He told me that if I am, then that meant I go out with boys. Then he suggested “what if you go out with me?”
Uhg! The nerve of that guy! This time, I slapped his hands off and faced him straight and square. I was so infuriated I even pointed a finger at him! And with all these annoyance bottled up for him, I murmured in one breath how he should “stop hitting on me and just go leave me alone because I certainly don’t like you and I actually hate you!”
There, On-Jou. I didn’t mean to but I said it again here. I guess it was also somehow stuck in my memory. I know it wasn’t a good thing to say since it was somehow cruel and cutting but I couldn’t help it! I thought I somehow hurt him with it but I didn’t. His first reaction was silence. He was just there staring at me with a surprised expression I really thought he became angry with me. Then after a whole couple of minutes, or maybe more, he slowly smiled. Then he chuckled. Then he laughed! He laughed so loudly, I knew we somehow caught other people’s attention.
I was about to tell him to shut up or lower it down but he beat me into it. He asked me if I thought he was really hitting on me. He told I was too gullible to fall for such a thing. He said he was just joking around trying to make things interesting but he never thought I’d take it all seriously. Damn, On-Jou, I was genuinely hurt! It might have been the insult or the plain thought of falling for such stupid joke. Maybe it was my ego as a whole but I still feel depressed remembering it.
I didn’t talk to him after that. Didn’t look nor glance at him. Though I didn’t take another seat away from him since my pride wouldn’t let me, I tried pretending he wasn’t there. I think he did the same. I never heard a noise from him for a long while. He even kept his hands to himself! (Something I think he rarely does)
Then he nudged me again. I don’t know why but I heeded him this time without a fuss. I didn’t even question him when he leaned in to me again. He whispered quite silently but clearly how he didn’t really like me. “I’m not interested,” so he said. I spaced out for a while because when I looked again, he was already leaving the train.
And there I sat numbly. I didn’t know how to react, what to think or feel. And to tell the truth I still don’t know up until now. I know I was greatly affected by those words, On-Jou. (Reason I space out a lot) This was the first time I felt such confusing feelings. I really don’t know what and how to put up with this. All I know is that I don’t feel good. Not at all. I guess it’s still pride-issue. A greater one at that. I wonder what’ll happen if we meet again, neh?
That’s why I’m glad to be going back to my usual routine next week, where I don’t have to take the subway anymore. Because it means I don’t have to see him again. Except if Jin actually drags me to the club or if he lost his way into our company or manage to find his path to this house. (Not like I’m hoping for it. Certainly not!)
I’m not sure if I’ll be able to sleep instantly tonight. I don’t think so. But I still need to stop it here.
Oh, well. Oyasumi…
---- Namaru