The little things...

Nov 05, 2004 02:17

That's my husband, how he looks now that he's shaved off the beard. We went on a picnic to the beach a couple weeks ago, to watch the sunset. I'm here to tell you, if you happen to be in the market for a partner or a boyfriend/girlfriend, look for someone who thinks of the little things. Little things like...

washing out the coffee pot because you know your wife will be up late writing
remembering to ask your wife about her wordcount
making sure there are fluffy towels waiting in the bathroom for when she's done with her bath
opening the shades when you get home because you know she likes waking up to sunshine
lighting candles in the evening because you know she likes the smell
opening her car door, and any other door
asking if she wants to drive
looking up the answer when she asks a random question
pushing the shopping cart or holding the grocery basket
holding her hand in bed, or out walking, or in a restaurant
scratching itches that she can't reach
letting her share your milk at dinner
adding chocolate to the list when she asks you to run to the store for midol

All the little things, they matter the most. So maybe he forgot your four-month anniversary, or maybe he hasn't brought you flowers since before you were married, maybe he shrank your black dress, but does that really compare when you add up all the little things he does for you every day? Someone who takes the time to make sure the covers are pulled up around your shoulders when you're sleeping before he leaves for work is someone who will treat you with love, caring, and respect in the future.

I'm very, very grateful that my husband, that adorable creature up there, thinks of the little things. I walked into the kitchen tonight to make my vat of NaNoWriMo coffee, and the pot was clean. He'd washed it out and dried it and made sure it was ready for me to use tonight before he left for work. It made me realize that I don't take enough time to notice the little things, to thank him for remembering them. As much as I need my alone-time to write and get my work done, I miss him when he's away.
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