Writing, t-shirts, and trolls.

Nov 04, 2004 07:39

I was originally trying to update this journal once a day, but my schedule is a nighttime one, and so I don't "join the world" until just before midnight. During daytime hours I'm either sleeping, running errands, cooking meals, or doing stuff around the house. Yes, married life is just that exciting. :)

So how is NaNoWriMo going? I think if you added up all the writing I did last night in various forums, comments, journal entries, and IMs it would add up to about 5000 words! Unfortunately, absolutely none of it was for NaNo, and so I am still stuck where I was yesterday. Heh. It's okay. I've got about 2 hours before the hubby comes home and I'm wide awake, so I'll open CopyWrite after I finish this entry and start in on my next couple of chapters. We'll see how far I can get!

I have discovered a slight hiccup in my plans, and that's that the YA novel I'm using as my writing guide (a "tip" discussed in No Plot, No Problem!) is only about 35,000 words. Whoops. I'll still be using it as my guide, but I think I might throw in a Harry Potter book or two for added help. Rowling seems to me the modern YA equivalent of Jane Austen.

I've also bought myself a NaNo tee with the blessings of my husband; it's not one of the "official" shirts, however. I hated all their designs this year, and a lady in my local forum has designed a new shirt for this year. It's a little on the spendy side, though, so husband has given me a couple of caveats: 1) I have to wear it at least twice a week, and 2) I have to write 2000 words each time I wear it! Oh, my. But it's pink, and adorable, and so I bought it. :D I guess I'll be cranking out the wordcount after it arrives.

Now, a word about trolls on the NaNo forums: I know all of you have seen them. My advice, after years of dealing with them, is to just ignore them. If you can't ignore them, be polite. Trolls (such as Kyaa the Catlord) exist in forums purely to elicit a response. They're the bullies of the Internet. They hate being ignored, but they also hate it when the people they try to shove around refuse to take the bait. They're abusers, loners in "real life" as well as online, and certainly not worth your time.

You can try to become their friend, but I wouldn't suggest it. Long ago, I befriended a troll when he showed a minute spark of humanity. Like a flower he bloomed before me and we became fast friends. Unfortunately, I discovered that a troll will eventually turn on even those they count friends-- they can't cover up the putrid lack of humanity, decency, or compassion in their souls forever, nor can they deny the impulse to "push buttons", insult, threaten, or abuse even the ones they profess to love. Any friendship with a troll will end either in your becoming a troll yourself, or the troll hurting you. They can't help but be poisonous creatures, and until they recognize that and choose to change it, they will always stay that way.

Ignore them. If you MUST interract, be as polite as possible and don't allow yourself to be drawn into a fight. Close the thread, email, or comment and then forget about it for a day or so before replying, if you decide to reply at all. Then, be sure you know your rights: know the TOS of the site you're using, and whether or not trolls can be kicked or deleted or banned. Know the laws on stalking and Internet stalking in your area. Track IP addresses. Screen comments. Use the "filter" system in your email program to automatically delete emails from certain people. It works.

And now I'm off to do some NaNo writing. :)

EDIT: Kyaa, do you think I'd be dumb enough to leave my LJ open so as to let you troll in here as well? You're banned. And I have your IP. Kisses, darling.
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