Oct 19, 2008 15:33
Why is it that whenever you have stuff to do something goes wrong? My shoulder has started hurting again... Yeah!
It started a couple of days ago, and as Bursitis it gets worse before it gets better. So today I am in a sling resting my arm a bit so that it hopefully get better sooner. So yeah one handed typing the good thing is I actually have practice doing this, since I have this problem in both shoulders, I just hope the other does not decide to act up right now, that would be bad. I am also supposed to bake cookies for DH office for tomorrow, it is someone's birthday. Oatmeal cookies are the hardest to stir, so I guess I will have to call in reinforcements to do the mixing of the butterscotch chips and almond slices. I finished my book last night, and the excerpt from the next today. :( Can't afford the next one right now so I guess I will have to go on to something else, maybe I will finish the Sookie Stackhouse book I started before, Or read one of my spirituality books.... maybe both. Well time to sign off for now. Hope everyone has a good week!