The Poppy Legacy 1.4

Nov 21, 2010 16:27

The time of creaky knees and pureed carrots doth approacheth! Therefore, all measures must taken in order to ensure that dear Carl becomes a smexy rock god before it's mashed potato time.

I'm not sure how a symphony conductor is a step on the path to godliness, but I'm pretty sure this garish coat is a key ingredient. Seriously, that thing is more Hefner than Bernstein.

Meanwhile, Leslie hones her skills as a kick ass bowler

...and as a luscious lady killer.
Alien townie: Yupyupyup, Don't mind me. I would appreciate it if you might give me the opportunity to urinate, though. Just sayin'...

Sam is a chess-playing monster. I think he loves it like his sister loved jump roping.
Sam: *Dreams of beating Chessmaster 9000 on expert mode*

Sam: *cultivating highly impractical study habits*

Leslie wanted a cat like crazy, so here's Echo the crazy cat. Things to know about this cat:
Echo is a crazy motherfucker
Echo hates that motherfucking car

The hatred! It spawns balls of rainbow dust!

Leslie: How dare you be angry at me for staring at you through a telescope in broad daylight! It is my right as a nosy neighbor!

Leslie: Bitch, I hope you like the chicken dance.

So, these two have a lot in common. I'm starting to think it was a bad idea for me to make a good witch out of her.

Leslie: What's the big deal with balls, anyway? It's always balls this and balls that. Ballsballsballs. Balls are dumb.
Sam: *cheewss slowlyyy*

Speaking of which?

Hooray! Sam made it to his teens with only minor emotional scars as the result of his sister's inappropriate breakfast chatter. As you can see, he is impressed by his ability to magically summon similarly green sleepwear.

He's adorable, I think. I should have given him harry potter glasses! Whaaaa...

Chess, chess, chess. Let's hope he doesn't end up like Bobby Fischer.

Then, the heavens smiled upon the household...

...and Carl fulfilled his greatest aspiration. Obviously, I'm lying about the heavens. Whateversss.

Molly grew old. :(
Carl: Whhhhyyyyyyy? D:

I think she makes quite a distinguished old bird, don't you think?

Carl seems to think so.

Actually, in spite Carl being a slutty horndog husband, these two suddenly became three bolters as soon as Molly reached old age. I think that's kind of adorable, actually.

Not everyone seems to concur with my sentiments, though.
Leslie: I seee nothing. I was not here. I did not even get up this morning. *wash wash wash*

It was finally Sam's turn to get a little magical.

Leave it to Sam to seek out Lieutenant Commander Data. Obviously, they get along quite well.

Meanwhile, Carl is kickin' it with NWA.

$$$$! monaymonaymonaaayyyy..

On top of getting struck by lightning, pissing himself while on a toilet(somehow), he ALSO missed work.

So, Leslie grew up...

...along with her high school sweetheart, Ella Spinner.

And all of a sudden, Ella offers to hook her up with someone else? On a blind date? And I clicked yes? What could possibly go wrong?

Baaaaaddd decisions. Welcome to adulthood, Leslie!

Ella: *experiences mixed emotions*

Regardless, Leslie doesn't seem dissuaded in the least bit.

Oh, yeah. She's definitely Daddy's little girl. Also, not a very convincing infallibly good witch, eh?

Sam's not as lucky in this respect. I think he's gotten so far as sheepishly admiring other nerdlettes. I totally love him for it.

They are the BFFiest siblings around, though.

Sam is just... much more of an intense dancer.

Did I mention Sam went to the dark side?

Sam Snively: Mwahaha! I'm gonna sick mah bees on y'all like crazy.

I cannot think of a more appropriate target for magical mischief than this particular escaped mental patient.
Some guy: What's with the walls? Why always walls?

Carl: I'm experiencing a cooling sensation on my backside. Hmm...

Carl: SRSLY WHY? Hatechu hatechu hatechu!!!
Sink: *criescriescries*

This is Carl in his spiffy Rock God outfit. Although, I imagined he would end up looking more like Danzig with a giant belt buckle of Doooooooom. Instead, he has some temporary tribal tattoos. *shrug*

Eventually, Leslie and Ella made up.

Then, weird things happened. Ella began showing up at the house, uninvited, at all times of the day and night. Like, she would come over at 5 AM and stare at Leslie's sleeping body and then decide to watch TV. Fucking weird.

Molly: You know, I was really thinking about using that toilet...

Carl: Strange, I suddenly have this great desire to do a weird little twirl thingie...

Kapow! How do you like Carl's tricolor dye job? Awful.

Here's his little makeover. Ta da! I'm not sure that I like it.

This lady sure does, though.

Sam: Shame on you, papa.

Echo: Oh my god, did you just hear something?

Sam: *grows up*
Leslie: *gets a mouthful of confetti, doesn't like it*

Sadly, Sam instantly goes into aspiration failure because he wasn't permitted to go to college.

But, I think he turned out nicely anyway.

So, that's the end of generation one. I'll post an heir poll shortly. I haven't a freaking clue as to who the heir should be. Waaah...

legacies, poppy legacy

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