
Mar 01, 2010 15:03

 I'm still alive. It's just that the summer heat (yes, mortals! We have to face the fact that summer has officially started in the Philippines as early as February 1st!) kills my one working brain cell and my motivation to write.

Things have been looking up in the home front. My mom and I are now on speaking terms. We never apologized to each other, that's how it is in my family. Charcoal also gave birth to 4 puppies last February 13th (yes, on her first birthday too!). Unfortunately, one was still born. And then the other two died in their first week. Now there's only one pup remaining, my mom named her Misty since she's always crying because of the heat.  Well she has been healthy so far.

Jiro and I only have a month left before we hit our 4 year mark. Ha ha. Whaddyaknow.

Well, I'm going to have to update more often. Right now, I'm trying to hustle because there is a scheduled rotational power outage in the archipelago because of the El Nino. And the shop falls under the 2-4 pm tentative schedule.


random ramblings

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