Gluten Free Sourdough

Nov 19, 2009 21:33

You guys see that?? I'm having bread. It even looks and tastes like bread. It doesn't crumble apart, and taste like dust. After spending $8 on a loaf of bread, which is almost an entire hour's labor for a single loaf, and seeing that it is a huge help to have something like that to make sure that I eat a bit more consistently I decided that I am going to bake my own bread. The other day I picked up a copy of the Gluten-Free Gourmet by Bette Hagman. After a bit of deliberation on my part about what I wanted to make I decided that the buttermilk sourdough sounded pretty tasty. So I spent close to $100 in the last week buying flour, and various other things and a couple of silicone loaf pans. I have rice flour, potato flour, tapioca flour, cornstarch, sorghum flour, garfava (garbanzo and fava bean flour), xanthan gum, gelatin, and of course yeast. I know that some of you have done some baking, and know the basics of what has to happen. All the things that you know about have to happen. Except since there is no gluten to develop there is no need to knead. My flour is a mix of tapioca, sorghum, garfava, and cornstarch. Xanthan gum and gelatin take the place of the gluten. Yeast does what it does. So basically my breads are made from a batter rather than a dough. I have two loaves in the oven right now. I baked one last night and took a few pieces to work today. I also had a couple of slices warm out of the oven last night, and one for breakfast. I still have half of the bread I bought in the freezer, which will be my backup bread. So the two I have baking right now... One is going to Chicago with me, for "Thanksgiving" at my brother's. My sister will appreciate it I'm sure. The other will be to get me through next week.
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