May 03, 2009 14:36
The kids were really sick on Thursday which made things considerably more difficult. The girl slept for about three hours straight in the afternoon which left me with nothing to do an incredibly bored. I managed to put out a fanfic during this time which I'm rather embarassed about doing while I'm supposed to be working. The boy wasn't much different except for being a little extra fussy.
It turns out that Faythe is still planning to move out here and one of the places she is considering is only thirty minutes away. That's just fantastic. I really miss having her around.
I went shopping for summer clothes yesterday and had a really good day with it; everything that I tried on fit well and was very flattering. I got a bunch of nature print tee-shirts and shorts and one dressy outfit for interviews or school stuff that is important. On Tuesday we're going to go to the hair salon. I'm doing something a little drastic. I'm going to cut off about an inch to an inch and a half, have it layered, and get my bangs back. I need a change and I want something fussless.
I also found my glasses buried under my desk. I've noticed myself straining lately to read when I'm a little tired. Until I put them on, I didn't realize how bad my eyes were getting. So, safe to say that rumor about wearing glasses making your eyes weaker is untrue ince mine have been under the desk for six months.
Sara is supposed to come over tonight and we're going to watch Blood and Chocolate and she's going to introduce me to Hitalia Axis Powers which is an anime. Started Yiddish Policeman's Union. Good book.