Long Time no Update

Aug 22, 2005 13:12

Point form list of whats been going down in Hell:
  • My foot is healed its a Miracle Hallelujah!!!
  • My family came for a visit and that was fun stuff, I enjoy when my family comes :D:D
  • Ryans family came for a visit this I didnt enjoy as much.  But tell me this... why did they just happen to come down two days after my mom was down for 2 1/2 hours?  Drive almost 5 hours for 2 1./2??  Sounds like a competition to me.  FUCK that woman gets jealous if Ryan goes to my house more than hers or if my family sees him more than she does.  She needs to get a grip. Im dead serious... I think shes insane.  Ewww just thinking about her has got my blood boiling... and THIS is why I have grey hair :(
  • Ive have been looking and applying for jobs but no call backs... I think I just going to have to find the most decent day care and settle for that piece of shit.  GRRRR.... What I went to the fucking mount for was a degree so I wouldnt have to work day care... looks like that was pointless.
  • My new hobby is that of going into big brother chat rooms and typing the most horrible things in the world and laughing til I cant breathe.  For example on Friday when I was home with nothing to do because Ryan worked til 9 I went on and made a few jokes and got a few laughs... Its good when people laugh because usually they are like "You are a horrible person what terrible jokes"  because they are all uptight whores. However I got some people to join my gang and we together made fun of a lot of people... LULU in particular. Well lulu left because lulu couldnt take it anymore so people would come in and ask their usual stupid questions "Who got Power of Veto?"  and in response everyone would reply Lulu or Julie Chen or Jeff Probst or something along that line.  So me being soooooooooo extremely witty and fun composed a speech for all those who were curious as to who won the wonderful POV.  Anf everytime this was asked... which was quite a bit I would right click and paste this statement:
  • "Sorry we are unaware at this time who has won the POV... however when we find out we will post it periodically in this chat window every 5 minutes so everyone can see it.  If you are curious you could go to www.mortystv.com and crash his Kmart server or go to www.jokersupdates.com... but please dont ask or you will get an answer of either LULU., ELVIS, JULIE CHENS CAMEL TOE, OR APRILS USED TAMPON thanks again for your support"  Which I thought was the funniest thing in the world.  Of course you probable dont because I doubt this means anything to anyone... but it was funny for me and I thought I would share my excitement.
  • Saturday night we went for a walk at like 12:30 midnight and there were these two ass fucks sitting outside the apartment building right under someones window.  Anyway it pisses me off to no end that shit head teenagers do that because I know it was a shit like that that broke into Ryans car anyway they get up when they see us and start staggering away and they are like "Fine evening isnt it?"  And here I am making stupid comments to Ryan like  "Go home fag boys" (no they couldnt hear me) but Ryan just goes Yeah or something then we pass and you hear them say "You guys got any weed to sell?" And me miss friendly goes "No sorry"  alll sympathetic. AHAHAHAH after I called them every name in the book because I was scared they were going to bash my head in. AHHAHAH I was right nice... and appologizing for not selling drugs to 15 year olds. AHHAHAHAH im such a douche

Some upcoming dates to remember and this is how exciting my life is:
  • Sept. 8--- Old Navy opens in Dartmouth
  • Sept. 12--- Martha Stewart LIVE premieres
  • Sept. 20--- Big BRother finale show on CBS YESSSSSSSSS Michael and Kaysar will be there ;)

Thats about it :P  Seacrest OUT. ahahhahah dork
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