Nov 27, 2006 02:44
I was going to post last night that I wanted to invite Clare to collaborate with me on my second ARG, but decided that maybe it was too early for that. She posted on lala that she wants to create her own ARGs, maybe with me. Perfect! Intellectually and creatively, I've never felt so attuned to someone like I do with Clare. I love it. We're going to accomplish much together, I just know it. We'll make a hell of a team. Nations will fall and populations will tremble. We shall be greeted as liberators with flowers and hosannas. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius (+ Aries). Our combined works of staggering genius will break everyone's hearts.
My spirit will be her spirit. It was meant to be a translation from English to Russian as "my alcohol is your alcohol," but the translation into the Cyrillic alphabet (Мой спирт будет вашим спиртом) and retranslation back to English came back slightly "my spirit will be your spirit". I like that juxtoposition of spirit as alcohol and spirit as the abstract, thus giving the retranslation a second, more profound meaning. Clare got a kick out of it, too.
It's another cold night at work, but not quite as bad as last night. It's also a bit rainy, so that's why...the clouds prevent all the heat from escaping. Fortuately the field manager picked up the Detex wand, so I won't have to venture outside to patrol every hour.
Egad, I feel sleepy tonight. I think I might skip basketball class.