I stole this one, about pairings, from
calturner again!
WARNING: I only used tv shows or tv movies in my answer and I mostly cheated since I rarely came up with just one answer...
01. Favorite het pairing:
Still Spike/Buffy although Helo/Athena (BSG) or Desmond/Penny (LOST) are also big favourites of mine.
02. Favorite slash pairing: Could I possibly like Giles/Ethan? (BtVS)
I think, I do! ;- )
And there's Daniel Graystone and Joseph Adama( Caprica) , or Vorenus and Antony(Rome) but in my dreams only...
03. Favorite femslash pairing: This one is difficult as I don't see many canon femslash pairings in my tv shows and I don't have fantasies about non canon femslash pairings, besides I wasn't a big fan of Willow/Tara (BtVS) first (I liked it better when Tara got stronger) but I can't think of any other femslash pairing that I would call a favourite.
Drusilla/Darla made a hell of a pair in Ats though. Or Willow/Tara but in Xander's dream from "Restless" !
04. Favorite sibling relationship: Ryan and Cyril O'Reilly from OZ, so wrong sometimes when Ryan used his brother and yet so heartbreaking.
05. Favorite friendship: Bill/Saul (BSG) or Vorenus/Pullo (Rome) or Sam/Gene (Life On Mars) or Don/Peggy (Mad Men) or Sherlock/Watson in Moffat's Sherlock
06. Favorite parent-child relationship: Peter and Walter Bishop from FRINGE and Zoe and Daniel Graystone from Caprica for the real ones but Walter White and Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad have a twisted father/son relationship too, and it's the core of the show !
07. Favorite rivals relationship: Jimmy McNulty/Stringer Bell (The Wire) or Daniel Graystone/Tomas vergis (Caprica)...and back in the old days Buffy vs Faith (BtVS) or Angel/Spike (Ats) or Atia vs Servilia (Rome)
08. Favorite partners in crime relationship: Walter and Jesse from Breaking Bad of course!
09. Favorite family unit (four or more people): the characters from Modern family or the Graystone family(if we count Serge in, there are four of them!) from Caprica...of course I love the Agathon family from BSG but they are only three (Helo, Sharon and Hera)...unless we count Adama as a metaphorical grandfather.
10. Least favorite pairing: Jack/Kate on LOST !!!! Sookie/Bill on True Bood and House/Cuddy (House MD) have become close seconds though...
11. An OT3 or threesome: Caprica/Baltar/D'Anna (BSG) is a threesome that actually happened on screen!
12. Favorite Person and Animal Companion Relationship: Jesse Stone and his dog from The Jesse Stone tv movies!
13. Your first pairing: Angélique/Joffrey de Peyrac , I guess.
14. Your most recent pairing: Cedric/Rhonda on The Wire for romance, Walter/Jesse on Breaking Bad if it isn't about a romantic relationship
15. Favorite non-canon pairing: Faith/Wesley (Ats); Giles/Willow (BtVS); Joseph/Daniel (Caprica), they did have a relationship that is sort of friendship on screen but I assume that non-canon pairing means non-canon sexual pairing.
16. Pairing with the best chemistry: Kara/Leoben (BSG) and Buffy/Spike (BtVS)...for those who wonder how I could not choose Spuffy only, I'll say "just watch the Kara/Leoben scenes on BSG and you will get it!"
17. Favorite canon pairing: Spike/Buffy !
18. Favorite group of friends (four or more people): The Scoobies (BtVS) or the Major Crime unit from The Wire
19. Favorite band of villains: The Barksdale people from The Wire
20. A pairing you like, but don't like what canon did/is doing with them: Spike and Dawn relationship in BtVS, that was between friendship and parent/child relationship, was kinda ruined or aborted on screen
21. A pairing you think gets too little attention: Walter/Astrid on FRINGE ...
22. A pairing that a lot of people ship, but you don’t: Peter/Olivia (FRINGE) nowadays, Kara/Lee (BSG) or Fred/Wesley (Ats) when those shows were on.
23. An unpopular pairing that you like: Gwen/Owen (Torchwood) and Cordelia/Angel (Ats) maybe, although I'm sure it must have been popular in certain circles. These days? I don't know...maybe Pete/Peggy from Mad Men.
24. A pairing you think is actually together behind-the-scenes, but it's not confirmed in canon: Giles and Ethan from BtVS of course! Even Jane Espenson hinted at their love affair in an interview!
25. Favorite childhood pairing: .how is it different from question 13?
26. Pairing you think is the most adorable: Willow/Oz (BtVS) ; Pullo/Eirene (Rome)
28. A pairing people would be surprised you like: I don't know if people would be surprised by any pairing I like, or not...maybe Aeryn/Crais from FARSCAPE (I liked Crais!) or Tara/Sam from True Blood.
29. Your favorite of all the relationships you've posted so far: Spuffy
30. Free choice:
First off, I have to explain some of my choices above. I love Karl "Helo" Agathon/Sharon "Athena" because they are the Spike/Buffy of BSG, they are, as Kara called them, "the fighting Agathons"! ; Daniel Graystone/Amanda Graystone from Caprica is my favourite married couple because the pairing rings so true (although Marie/Hank from Breaking Bad works very well too); Desmond/Penny from LOST is just uber-romantic, not even Spuffy can compete with the telephone scene at the end of "The constant";
Now new choice: Saul Tigh/Ellen Tigh (BSG) started as a very dysfonctional couple and turned out, from season 3 on, to be one of the most romantic tv pairings ever!
Also in True Blood liked the cousin relationship between Tara and Lafayette, the friendship between Sam and Terry, the hot deam slash relationship between Bill and Sam, the touching Sire/childe relationship between Eric and Pam.
ETA: If I had to comment on what those answers say about my preferences...I'd say that I love male friendships and when it comes to romance, I like mix relationships between people who have things in common and understand one another but often come from different backgrounds or belong to different races (vampire/slayer, cylon/human) yet love overcomes those differences.