Spring shows

Jun 15, 2010 14:48

I've been on a sort of break since Friday. The Bac starts in two days, as usual with Philosophy, and the History & Geography exam is on Friday morning so I will enter Marking Hell on Monday after I'm given the papers. So before I'm bound to invigilating and then marking duty, I'm entertaining myself with music, books, films and tv shows.

I saw Kiarostami's Copie Conforme, which was fine but I am not surprised it didn't get any reward in Cannes, except for the Best Actress prize. Juliette Binoche was indeed great in it. I read that the film won't be released in Iran because of her clothing! Too cleavage-y, I guess.

As for the tv shows, since it was difficult to get The Wire online, I'm currently watching the first season of Fringe. I watched the pilot and the following episode on French tv last year but dropped it for I couldn't watch the show in its original language and it seemed to be a ripoff of The X-Files, but I've heard good things about Fringe this year and now I'm rather enjoying it. I can't wait to get to the second season which is apparently better!

Many things are quite predictable but it's well done, and it's the relationship between father and son that makes the show work for me.

I'm glad for the return of True Blood that was a lot of fun for the premiere.
Also I watched the pilot of  Persons Unknown and might stick to the series for a while.

But, frankly, I miss the really good stuff. I miss Caprica !

film review, tv shows

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