I've figured it out. True Blood is porn for women!
No really, it's obvious now. Between the sexy shirtless vampires (Eric looked great in his post-coital boxing robe!), Eric's ability to go on for six hours (poor Spike, his five hours straight have been beaten) and the homo-eroticism (the blood swapping in the car was pure porn!), True Blood is porn for women, porn that has funny dialogues and plot, well kind of, but porn nonetheless.
BTW Sam's wet dream made me laugh so hard. I think it's a nice twist. Having Sookie lust after Eric was a bit of a cliche but the fact that now Sam has fantasies about Bill is priceless! The two of them obviously belong together! Stephen Moyer was really into it. And they say it's Anna Paquin who is bisexual?
And it makes sense after all that nice naked butt Sam flashed last season! ;- )
I hope we'll get more of Bill/Sam hot sequences in the future.
And we can count on the supporting stupid characters for the humour (well, Terry is not stupid, he is...Terry, but the rest of them, Arlene, Andy, Hoyt, Jessica, Tara's mom, and Jason of course, live in Moron Town!). It was fun to see them all again. And Lafayette still rocks because he has more brains than everybody. Well, Pam is quite smart too, even though she wears a lot of pink.
One last thing. Bill is much more interesting when he isn't with Sookie. Please keep them apart!
ETA: Favourite characters so far: Lafayette; Pam; Jessica.