I'm glad that I was unspoiled for that one!
Widmore being Faraday's father was not a big surprise though. Eloïse and Charles living away from each other, but being still in touch really echo Heloïse and Abelard now. They had a son together two (before Abelard got emasculated).
The group scenes didn't interess me much but I liked Hurley's line about Fonzie time. I don't usually enjoy the geek in him but that one made me smile. We needed some smile in the middle of Faraday's tragedy. We already knew that Eloïse was merciless, she was the one who convinced Desmond to leave Penny after all, but I really found her cruel when she told young Daniel that he had to quit playing the piano! Poor boy!
"I can make time" was a terrific line, given the context.
Poor Daniel again for experimenting on himself and hurting Theresa in the process, and damaging his own mind enough to have memory loss. Poor Daniel again for believing that he could change things. Of course because he believed so, he ended up telling little Charlotte what he was supposed to. At the end of the day what happened happened remains the truth. Poor Daniel for understanding that his mother sent him to such a terrible fate, knowing all along what would happen to him. HE wanted to believ he was a variable but realised he was not.
Is Daniel dead? He seemed dead at the end of the episode and his death would make sense. But Desmond being his constant could "save" him. Where was Daniel during the 3 years he was away? What did he do? How did he get the info about the "catastrophe"?
In 1977 Miles was a baby, Charlotte was a little girl, young Daniel must have been about her age or so. Where is he? He must have been in the Others' village. Did Ellie left the island with him after she shot old Daniel? Where does the last name Faraday come from? Or is it Hawking that isn't Eloise's name but perhaps the surname of someone she married later? Or perhaps she just changed her name.
At least Desmond is fine!!!Desmond and Penny are the cutest couple ever, even though I liked how James looked at Juliet. Kate and Jack can go to hell!