Smallville nostalgia

Oct 03, 2016 18:48

The Top 25 Smallville Episodes

Hourglass, Shattered, Transference, and Nemesis were all major omissions to me, personally I would have replaced season 4's Onyx with Transference. And while I agreed with *some* of the finales and premieres that were included (Crusade, Commencement, Odyssey were all unarguably epic episodes) I didn't agree with including the less memorable ones like Phantom and Bizarro. I especially wouldn't have put the series finale in the top five, cause really? It felt like the list was at times just going with the ~obvious~ choices of the bigger episodes, rather than the actual best episodes. Well the best ones IMHO anyway g*

I'm not even sure what my top 25 would be at this point though, it's been so long now that a lot of it is kind of a blur to me, but hopefully I'm going to pick my SV re-watch back up at some point. I watched seasons 1-4 last year originally intending for it to be a complete series re-watch, but there's just sooo much more tv to keep up with every year that I keep falling behind with everything :( I still need to pick my X-Files re-watch back up with season 6, I want to fit in a complete rewatch of Farscape, and then there's Gilmore Girls 7 seasons as well before the Netflix episodes...Oh and I want to re-watch The Good Wife from the beginning soon too when the DVDs for the complete series come out. And maybe Nikita too, I would like to re-watch Nikita...Hopefully I will start on season 5 of SV soon though, next year maybe


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