
Mar 12, 2011 16:19

Title: Blind
Pairing: Soohyun/Eli
Genre: Angst, romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Soohyun and Eli are best friends. Eli has a girlfriend. They all live happily…ok, maybe not all of them, but the point is that happiness doesn’t last forever…
Chapter: 2/?
Warning: I’m not a native speaker
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them T T

The 2nd chapter O-O-Only for happy_girl89~ (as I promised^^)

Soohyun’s P.O.V.
I’m sitting on the couch in the living room watching „Dr. House“ when the telephone rings. I get up, walk to the ringing appliance and hold the receiver to my ear.

„Hello?“ There is weeping on the other line but after a few seconds I hear:

„Is this Soohyun?“ a girl’s trembling voice asks.

„Yes...“ I answer alarmed at the girl’s sobbing. What’s more, her voice sounds familiar...“Chae Young? Is it you?“ I add, somehow not wanting to hear the confirmation.

„Yes, it’s me...“ She replies holding back her tears.

„Why are you crying? Did something happen?“ Worried, I fear the answer because deep down I have a feeling that I don’t really want to hear it.

„Eli...he...he had an accident,“ Chae Young manages with difficulty and bursts out crying right after.

W...hat? Accident? What accident?! At first, my mind seems unable to process this piece of information or rather it’s just that it doesn’t want to accept the news. Then, panic starts to settle in, my shaking hands a perfect evidence of that . Feeling dizzy, I lean against the nearest wall for support. Even though I’m in a state of shock and extreme anxiety I still know that I need to brace myself so I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths.„Chae Young, calm down and tell me what exactly happened,“ I say after regaining some composure.

„We...we were supposed to meet at our favourite cafe,“ Chae Young’s voice cracks but shortly after she continues. „I was waiting for him in front of the building...When he came into view I waved at him...he waved back and then...and then the scaffold he was passing by crumbled down on him,“ the girl barely manages to finish her explanation before she starts crying again.

Dear God. „Chae Young, listen to me. Which hospital was he taken into?” I ask trying to sound calm and collected but the truth is I’m anything but.

“Seoul Hospital. I’m already here but I’m not allowed to go into Eli’s room yet and there’s still no information about his condition. I’m going crazy waiting here!” The girl explains with more and more desperation in her voice.

“Be strong Chae Young. I’ll be there soon,” are my last words before hanging up. In a hurry, I head to my room to take my wallet. Then, I grab the apartment keys from the kitchen counter and run to the entrance door to put a coat on. When I’m done, I leave out the door locking them behind me and rush to the hospital.
After entering the building, I head to the reception desk. “Excuse me, could you tell me where Elison Kim’s room is?” I ask a nurse behind the counter.

“Wait a minute, please. I’ll check it now,” the nurse says typing something on a computer keyboard. “Room 207 on the second floor,” the woman provides shortly after, looking up at me.

I thank her and hurry to the elevator. When inside, a new wave of nervousness hits me. Is Eli ok? Is it something serious? How could something like this happen to him?! What if he…no I don’t even want to think about it! All these questions whirl around in my head causing me to feel sick. And can’t this fucking elevator go any faster?! I want to see Eli already! That’s why when the door finally opens I quickly search for the room 207. Finally finding it, I notice Chae Young sitting on a bench by the door. I walk up to her and when she looks up I can see her tear stricken face.

“Soohyun,” she whispers, her voice too weak to speak any louder.

I take a seat beside her and put my arm around her shoulders to give her some kind of support. Even though I don’t like the girl, I understand all too well how she feels right now. Being worried sick as I am now, I still know I have to be strong. Not only for myself but also for Eli…and for Chae Young as well because she’s Eli’s girlfriend and though it’s painful to admit, Eli loves her and would want me to take care of her when he isn’t able to. “Don’t worry, it’s going to be alright,” I reassure her but deep down I, myself, don’t seem to believe it. Just as I’m about to ask the girl if there was any news about Eli’s condition, a doctor emerges from my best friend’s room. Chae Young and I immediately stand up and walk up to the man.

“How is Eli? Is he alright? Can we see him?” I ask feeling desperate.

“Please calm down sir. I’m dr. Choi Siwon and I’ll be in charge of Elison Kim’s treatment. As for the physical condition, the patient has only a broken leg but unfortunately he hasn’t regained consciousness yet and considering that he was hit on the head we fear there might be some complications,” the man explains.

I nod slowly, still trying to comprehend all the information. “Can we see him?” I add after a moment.

“Yes, of course,” the doctor agrees and excuses himself to attend to other patients.

I turn to Chae Young, “Let’s go in”. She looks up at me and nods her head. Standing in front of the room, I take a deep breath and push the door open. When my eyes take in the sight before me, I feel like my heart is going to break. All this beeping machines and the smell of antiseptic make me dizzy. Eli is lying on a bed, his body motionless and covered in bruises. My vision becomes blurry as tears come into my eyes but I manage to hold them back.

“Eli,” Chae Young cries nearing the bed and grabs her boyfriend’s hand.

I stare at the scene for a few seconds, then take two chairs, for me and Chae Young to sit on, and drag them to the side of the bed. She nods her head to thank me and we take a sit.

“Please wake up, you have to wake up,” the girl pleads but Eli stays unresponsive.

I shut my eyes tight and let my head fall back praying to all deities for Eli to regain consciousness.

“I’m going to buy myself a cup of coffee, do you want one too?” Chae Young offers after three hours of waiting.

“Yes, please,” I answer grateful for her thoughtfulness. The girl gets up and exits the room leaving me alone with Eli. I gently take his hand in mine and bring it to my lips. “Eli, please wake up,” I beg putting his hand against my cheek. As I close my eyes I feel tears slowly making their way down my face. A moment later I wipe the tears away and just look at the man I love so much, my hands holding his. Then, I hear some noise outside the room and shortly after the door open to reveal Eli’s parents.

“Eli!” his mother exclaims running to the bed. “My child what happened to you?!” She wails grabbing Eli’s other hand. His father seems calmer but the pain is visible in his eyes.

“Hi Soohyun. How long have you been here?” Eli’s father asks looking at me.

“Hello. I’ve been here for over three hours,” I answer wondering how Eli’s parents knew about the accident. Oh…right, the hospital must have informed them. Just as I’m about to say that there hasn’t been any change in their son’s condition since I got here, Eli starts to stir. Everyone focuses their attention on the man in bed and waits for him to lift his eyelids.

“Eli? Do you hear me? Wake up honey, it’s your mother,” Mrs. Kim says relieved that her son finally regained consciousness.

Eli opens his eyes and looks around. “Mom? What happened? Where am I? And why is it so dark in here? I can’t see anything…Could you please turn the light on?” Eli asks feeling really confused and sore all over.
That's the end of the second chapter~
Hope you all enjoyed it^^


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