I love Leverage, but I've been putting off any kind of reaction post to the last 3 episodes for a while now. They were not great at all. It was maybe the break with the uneven cut, but I didn't like this backhalf of the season as much as I hoped I would.
I'm skipping the Ho Ho Ho Job altogether. It wasn't that bad, I'm just really not up to it tonight. And as far as christmas specials go, this was a decent one compared to the utter silliness of Warehouse 13 and Eureka. (Misfits rocked the X-mas special this year with Doctor Who coming in as a close second.)
The Big Bang Job
Seriously, I have no idea what the writers were smoking during that Eliot shootout scene. I guess it went something like this:
" ...and then Eliot slides across the floor while the audience sees the approaching bullets' trajectories around him in slow-mo. During this stunning visual he manages to dodge every bullet and simultinously shoot every bad guy in the warehouse." Head writer finishes his pitch enthusiasticly to the writing staff.
One of the less experienced writers scratches his head. "Isn't that a bit of a stretch even for us?"
"Maybe, but it will look cool, so just roll with it." Head writer answers after a moment of consideration.
No. Just no. I know the show is often over the top, I like that, but that was ridiculous, and not in an awesome way. And don't even get me started on that cardbord box. What the hell was in it, steel plates? But I digress, I actually liked some parts of the episode, like Eliot's character development, and the occasional funny line here and there. Plus, the Italian chick was much better sounding in her own languange.
The San Lorenzo Job
If this wasn't the finale, I'd have probably enjoyed it more. I liked the plot, but Moreau was a glorified villain of the week with no real sense of danger. It speaks volumes that he still had no idea who Nate was at the end. I found the repeated "Who are you?"s amusing though. The flashforward at the beginning was completely unnecessary and the drunken hook-up with Sophie/Nate didn't sit well with me either.
You know, I'm not even sure why I bothered myself with this, next season will be awesome anyway. On a final note, have some random quotes! :)
“I have a 24-year-old genius with a smartphone and a problem with authority.”
“Am I going to hate it?” / ”No, but he is.” / ”No, but I am.”
"She was a good van."
"Let's go steal us a country."
"I think I hate you."
"I'm ok with that."
"I got a lump of coal with your name on it!"
"How did you know? Non-sequential serial numbers? My favourite!"