More thoughts on moving

Jun 23, 2008 12:30

As I sit here in Konran's and MetalWoof's living room catching up on some little things (wireless internet FTW!), I started reflecting on this weekend. I've had the most awesome time here. I even took an extra day off work (gotta love saved vacation days) today just to spend more time with them. They also welcomed the extra day with me.

Last night we had Papa John's and watched Bible Black on DVD (English voice-over version, no subtitles) while we had our range of tasty adult beverages (Metal had gin and juice, I had Great Lakes Conway's Irish Ale, and Konran had Mountain Dew Amp...or was it an M-80?). It was great to just hang out, chill, and just spend good times with my furry friends. It's times like this weekend that help me to continue to appreciate the relationships in my life and how much they mean to me. I've told K and MW more than once this weekend that I'm gonna miss them like mad. I'll be moving far off and don't know when I'll get to see them again. Things will be a lot different when I settle in Idaho.

Touching on a philosophical/reflective/contemplative mood here, it's funny how time works in my favor on occasion, yet it constantly reminds me how it is always in control. It never stops, not even for me. Yea, it may feel once in a while like it slows down long enough to savor some of the sweeter moments, but it must continue moving forward. No matter how much I may wish it with all my heart and soul, even beg in useless prayer some nights, I can't make any moment last forever. Unfortunately I haven't come to truly appreciate it with seasoned wisdom 'til I hit my 30's, but at least it's not too late to take my life by the cajones and love it for what it is - short. I make it a point to tell all my friends how much I love them and what they mean to me. Isn't that what we all like to hear at least now and then - that we mean something to someone out there? I'm grateful to at least have heard it from a few folks. On that same note, it's always reassuring to know my family loves me, but to make a special connection to someone who's not flesh and blood to's something else altogether.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am really looking forward to moving. I couldn't ask for a better friend with whom to be sharing living space. Haelkentrellek has been there for me through good times and all the bad. If you know anything about me or have even so much as kept up, congratulations. You know I've had a shit-ton of bad times this year. Though I haven't know Trellek that long (just about six months), I've discovered he and I share a lot of common bonds. He's definitely a friend who touches a soul like no one else, and I'll leave it at that. In any case, I can only hope that I can adapt quickly to a place I've never seen or stepped foot in before. I suppose it's mostly financial concerns like finding a job, starting over, paying bills/current debts that I already have on top of trying to rebuild savings and preparing for retirement at a rather late point in my life. I've had a few ask me why I want to move and leave everything secure and familiar to me at this point. All I can think to say with my own lips is it's time to move on. There's not much left for me in Kentucky.

Well, I guess I'm done rambling for now. I just want to tell my friends and whoever actually reads my LJ entries to keep your friends as close to you as you can. Call them on the phone, write an email, hell even send a letter or postcard. Just keep in touch. You never know when you'll need them the most, or when they'll need a friend like you.
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