Dude, run!

Jul 24, 2011 22:05

The Fiancé and I started running about a month ago.

Well, that's not an accurate description. That makes it sounds like we're out doing 5Ks and shit.

See, I'm trying to lose the ten pounds I gained back with all the moving stress and family stress, and he's just trying to get in better shape because he's an asshole who could eat doughnuts and Mike and Ikes all day long and still be just as thin as he is right now. (Love you, asshole! 'Cause he'll read this.)

Anyway, I tried running before and always failed, but when we moved in together, we realized both of us had treadmills that would fit nicely in one of the extra rooms downstairs. We have a veritable mini-gym. Free weights, yoga mats, a balance ball, and two treadmills. We vowed we would put those treadmills to use, and a little more than thirty days ago, we began getting on them nearly every day.

We started by running for a minute, and then walking for two. That was Day 1. Then we increased our running time by five seconds every day, with my ultimate goal being to run a mile every day. (Well, almost every day--it's good to take a day off here and there, which we learned the stupid way by not doing it for three weeks, then taking a day off and realizing the next day, holy shit, this is way easier now!)

I am proud to say we are now up to running for three and a half minutes straight (which for me means I run about .17 miles and for the asshole with long legs, about .34 miles). Then we walk until we hit ten minutes. We also do a yoga DVD, a cardio kickboxing DVD, and just tonight, a Power Sculpt DVD.

I know for a lot of you, you're scoffing right now. You can run a sixth of a mile? That's nothing to brag about! But we've been doing this for over a month and seriously you guys? YOU SHOULD FEEL MY LEGS.


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