Title: Morning Glow Author: Aki freekshxt Pairing: Tora/Hiroto Rating: R-15 Genre: Angst/Death/Drama Comments: Inspired by FFX2 song "Morning Glow" Disclaimer: I do not own alice nine., or anybody in the band.
Title: Number One Fan Author: Aki freekshxt Pairing: Shou/Saga (ToraxHiroto mentioned) Rating: G Genre: Fluff Comments: It's short Disclaimer: I do not own Saga or Shou and I'm not in anyway affiliated with alice nine.
Title: Fabric Softener Author: Aki freekshxt Pairing: Shou/Saga Rating: PG Genre: Fluff Comments: Aki's first fic in a long time.. Disclaimer: I do not own Saga or Shou and I'm not in anyway affiliated with alice nine.