Nov 15, 2019 10:53
So I doubt that anyone is still on Livejournal but I am home alone and missing human interaction so I will just talk to myself here....not weird at allll...Anyways reading back on my entries from over a decade ago I have realized just how much life has changed, how much I have changed! I was a happy, fun loving teen and twenty-some year old now I am just a boring, jaded, mid 30's house-fiance.
Since I was last on here I have had one child, a wonderfully handsome and smart son Isaiah. He was born in 2008 and is weeks away from turning 11... freakin' 11!!! ...ekkkk. He literally saved me at a time in my life were I was a little too fun loving but really lost and just trying to fit in and be accepted. I wanted to be accepted by the wrong people but then Isaiah came along and I realized I was important to someone, I was important to him and I changed my whole perspective right then and there. Now I am pregnant with my second child (we think its a girl) and waiting to see what adventures this little one and the new fiance have in store for us.