Apr 24, 2006 11:32
From all indications the plantings survived the winter. Horseradish will grow and ripen further, raspberry bushes have multiple leaves, the vining rose also leafed out some more. Tulips are up, as are grape hyacinths and the pink honeysuckle bush has many flower buds. Even the the plum tree out front has a few white flowers in its first year. Some year down the road all will be lush and lovely. Something to look forward to. I say thank god it's raining, although I believe I'm a minority of one on the subject around here. :)
We're starting to become enthused about various summer projects including a big push to do the indoor Peel-Away and get some indoor painting done as well. That enthusiasm will last about as long as the project stays in the planning stage. After that it will be our collective will keeping us on track. And the thought of how good it will look and feel to have beautiful colors around us. And how nice it will be to have a useful exercise program. Right now we've all pretty much signed up for the Winter Slugs Program and are doing well in it. It's amazing how busy and tired a person can be and still not keep in shape. Wrong kind of exercise I guess.