Not only squills, but crocuses, oh flower watchers. Sounds like there will be nice amounts of rain this week so the garden marches onward. I've decided to rake the yard when the sun shines again and start this year's compost pile by moving the old one, saving the actual compost, and using half-compost as starter for the new one. Exciting, if you care for that sort of thing. I'm pretty well through the garden catalogs and with this year's small budget will buy soil for germinating some of the hundreds (thousands?) of seeds I already have and a soapstone pot maker which allows me to use up newspapers. And digging. Yes, there will be lots of digging, I'm afraid. By the end of the season I hope to see a real difference in the feel of the yard. More green, less abandoned urban lot. You know, the beginning of wonderland.
Late afternoon,
saintfuzzball and I will again attempt to go to the co-op for the First Tuesday of the Month Knife Sharpening. Last month we never got there. We did see Scotia and a lot of Schenectady. In a two hour journey we did a nice tour of the western area adjacent to Albany, and paid a quarter for tolls for the privilege. We know our mistake (taking 87, not 787) and will hopefully complete our mission without incident. It was, however, an interesting trip, and we now can say to
rockingrobin we know where you spend your days. That is, we went past Proctors where she works. Maybe more than once.
So, happy spring to us all!