Life on Mars fic challenge/idea/general sharingness.

Apr 11, 2007 00:17

Now that I've come down enough from the high that was the last episode, I've got an idea for a fic.

And I want to share it, because I really am interested to see what the plethora of amazing writers on this community can do with it. I'm handing over the first paragraph of potential fic - and I can't wait to see what you do with it :D

I'm in the middle of writing my own version, and I'll post it when it's done :)

Ok, I can't remember whether Sam said whether it was a man or a woman that he was sending his 'tape of memories' to when he was back in 2007. For some reason, I've gone with a she in this, but obviously if I remember wrongly, please feel free to change! :)

Here's the first paragraph...

The envelope landed on her desk with a thump. Turning away from her pile of paperwork, she acknowledged the person who had delivered the package and then slid her thumb along the seal. Before she opened it, she checked the front of the envelope.

“From DCI Sam Tyler”

She sighed. She wasn't sure he'd actually go through with sending her this, and now it was on her desk, she wasn't entirely sure whether she wanted to know what he had to say for himself.

Write your answers on a postcard and send them to the life in 1973 community :D

gen, life on mars, fic

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