Casual Interlude (RPS)

Jul 14, 2007 11:47

Title: Casual Interlude
Author: mands_angelfox
Pairing/Characters: Chris/Chad
Genre: RPS, Romance, Angst
Word Count: 611
Rating: G
Feedback: Feedback? Is love. No. Seriously, it is.
Summary: It's just something that happens, it doesn't mean anything.
Author's Note: I wrote this for my friend dea_liberty as a surprise, given that she'd been feeling a little down in the dumps and I know this is her crack OTP. My very wonderful beta-reader 11nine73 is to be thanked for removing any and all of my errors. Any that are left over are mine and mine alone.
Disclaimer: Isn't real, I know that and you know that, we just wish that it was

Casual Interlude

No one knows how it happened, it just did. One minute they can’t stand each other and the next they’re all over each other. Guess what people said about opposites attracting was dead on.

They’re polar opposites - yin to yang - day to night, that kind of thing.

Course nobody saw it coming until it was too late and by then they couldn’t stop, even if they wanted to. It’s not that they have a whole lot in common than acting but there’s something there - holds them together when really they ought to pull apart.

They’re just as much in the dark about this thing as everybody else.

It’s chemistry, strong and undeniable. Not that they let it limit them. They just always make sure they come back together before coming apart again. Neither one of them says they’re in love; that would make all of this too real and too final. One’s too young for that and the other’s old enough to know better.

It’s sex, plain and simple. It’s good and maybe there’s conversation but both men know where they stand and they’re okay with that. It works for them and they both know not to fix something if it’s not broken.

There are no strings and no expectations, nobody gets hurt and everyone has fun. There’s nothing wrong with that and it isn’t like anybody’s sworn to anyone else. The whole point of being fancy free is to have no ties to anyone or anything.

It begins and ends when they want it to, can last all week or just one night. It’s just the way it works and will always work, even if they’ve taken to staying the night and exchanging idle conversation in the morning before Chad catches his flight or Chris heads out to meet friends.

Neither one of them says they’re in love, it doesn’t fit and will never fit into this arrangement. This is purely physical, just two guys having a good time and relieving stress when they need to. Doesn’t matter what’s said in the heat of the moment because it’s just that - the heat of the moment, doesn’t mean anything.

And if they miss each other when they’re apart it doesn’t mean a thing, it’s normal to miss a friend and they lie to themselves every day about what they think and feel. It’s better that way.

Chris doesn’t have time for a relationship and wouldn’t know what to do with one if he had the chance and Chad, well, he’s a bit too fond of asking the question and he’s got plans of having a family one day.

This isn’t love, it isn’t even a relationship, it’s just something that happens every time they’re in the same city and it doesn’t mean anything. The line between truth and lie is faded and obscured in greys and whites, hidden somewhere in the soft endearments and gentle touches and ignored in favour of maintaining the status quo. Nobody wants to be the first to say the words, the men aren’t brave enough to risk their hearts and they’d rather keep things casual than take the chance that this could be something more.

Ignorance is bliss or in this case blind stupidity makes things easier, it doesn’t matter what happens between the sheets, they both know where they stand and they’re fine with it. It’s a compromise, they’re able to have one another without promising themselves to the other and it works.

When casual stops working they’ll consider doing something else but until that day comes everything will continue as normal and nothing will need to change.

It’s just sex, plain and simple.

rps, chad michael murray, slash, christian kane

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