Jan 24, 2014 11:33
I have internet again! It's finally back! It's amazing!
It's been years since I had normal DSL internet. And I was seriously getting worried because my wireless kept petering out more and more.
It's hard to comprehend this new freedom. No more endlessly having to say that I can't look at this or that because I'll run out of internet! No more worrying about making the mobile phone bill go up! No more having to browse with pictures and flash disabled! No more having to travel into the city to download stuff! No more having to sit in public libraries with loud children's activities going on! No more worrying about being able to do my courses this year! No more- that's enough now.
I can watch videos! I can read manga! I can download all the language resources I want! Yeah!
It's so fast too.
。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。