Sep 30, 2005 11:01
Wedsenday was pretty quiet. I hung out with people at the PAC (Performing Arts Center at MC) They were painting and such for the set of Showtunes. I actually ended up talking to Alex a long ass time. It was great though. I missed Alex. He just is so insightful and intelligent so talking to him about stuff was just making me feel even better about thing. I thought it was funny when he kinda got mad (not really mad but ya know) when saying "You know you could have called me to talk anytime and seriously just call me when you need to talk or anything" I just laughed and was like ok wow thanks Alex. So yeah we had a good conversation and I was just really glad to see him. I helped Lauren bring the flys down for rehearsal. It was so funny feeling like a real techie and at the same time I was on the phone with Alyssa and Lauren was like "HOLD ON TO THE PHONE FOR DEAR LIFE! Because if it falls over that would be horrible!" And I am like "Lauren,'s ok... I got a hold of my phone" I talked with Lauren and Jose for a while and other people until I had to leave. Talked to Alyssa again until I had to go to class. Which never happened. The teacher never showed up and there was nothing online saying hey class is cancelled so yeah our teacher is extremely flakey and it's kind of annoying but yeah me and two other people waited til like it was past 7 (class is supposed to start at 6:30) and then we were like yeah there is no way he is coming and we are technically allowed to leave if he hasn't come we did. I got picked up by mom and just went home and hung out for a while. Heather called me in hysterics crying over some stuff that I really won't get into cause that is her personal life. Luckily I know ways of making her calm a bit and just make her laugh. Keep talking and she will eventually breathe normally. So I wasn't getting off the phone with her until I knew she was ok cause I just don't do that to people. At that point I really should have been studying for my psych test (which ended up getting post poned anyway) but I dropped everything to be there for her. I just don't care when it comes to things like that. I guess that is one of my morals....people u really care about, friends, whoever is in need are more important than some stupid test. Yes my studies are important and a priority and I want to do well but if I don't do well on one test I could give a rats ass because u never know who will be here one day and gone the next. You may wake up one day to find someone u really loved or cared about is gone and I don't want to risk not being there for them when they needed me and then finding out they are gone the next day. So yeah people are more important to me i guess. Anyway luckily I made her laugh a whole bunch and got her talking about other things and I told her I would try and see her soon. Considering I am not doing much this weekend I decided I am going to see her Saturday and we will take a walk around our favorite lake and just have a blast. That was my Wedsenday night.
Thursday, busy busy busy. Rox picked me up in the morning and we just talked about everything and I filled her on everything as much as I could. She has been there with me since freshman year of high school and it's like everytime someone says "I am so proud of you" or "I am noticing u really are doing everything u said u would" or anything a long those lines it makes me want to cry every single time...not sad...but happy and hopeful tears. Roxanne did it to me (although I managed to keep the tears held back...they were coming but I was just trying to be like no it's too early in the morning to cry) she said "You are doing rediculously well! I am so fucking proud of you!" so yeah that was awesome. We walked to campus from shuttle parking cause waiting for the shuttle was getting no where. Went to voice. Shocked my voice teacher....she supposidly never expected me to be a Soprano but when I sang "Scarborough Fair" I surprised her. I thought it was funny. Psych was fun with learning about some of the stuff we needed to review...but because we were reviewing so much we weren't going to have time to take the test so we are taking it next Thursday. Woot! I started getting a sore throat after that class... i think i have a little cold...probably because of the weather changes. It sucks but oh well I will get through it. Saw Alex again and sat with him, Tom, Andrew, Eric, this other girl who i forgot the name of, Dan and others in the Theater lounge. Tom was playing a blues melody on the guitar and everyone had to make up lyrics to go with a song they would sing the blues of the most hilarious ones was "I left my books in the locked classroom blues" (btw all these things were because they actually happened to people that day). There were others that were pretty hilarious but i can't even remember all the lyrics made up to share. Anyway Blake showed up at one point and we chatted for a bit. He ended up laying on my lap and begging me to play/ pull his hair (he somehow gets a lil bit turned on when girls pull his hair...whatever floats his boat) so that was humorous. Caleb came by and started playing tunes from Super Mario 3 on his guitar and that was amazing cause then Blake and a couple other people and I were growing into tiny giddy kids because we kept singing the tunes to all the other levels in the game. Yeah that was my favorite game as a kid, but it was hilarious. Caleb needs to record that on CD.
Went to Rehearsal around 6:30. Had our first read through. Holy crap our Mercutio seriously is the energy of this play I feel. I believe it is this guys first play and if so who would have thought he would have been so amazing! He made us laugh so fucking much. I sat next to Blake and the girl who plays Lady Capulet whose name
I should really know cause i have been talking to her constantly. Her and I were laughing cause the guys who play our husbands are so old looking (cause really they aren't our age they are older men who auditioned and got the part but i guess in those times that is how it would be) So her and I were laughing cause we were like "Yeah I guess we are just the trophy wives"'s so true haha. Found out later I am singing two songs in the show (at least that is what Celia has said. One for the party scene and one for the actual Musician scene after Juliet has "died") if not two then I am definately singing one...and according to stage directions I am pretty much the only person on stage plus Caleb on guitar singing.... holy fuck I seriously am having the biggest solo of my life ever on stage.... THIS IS SO AWESOME! It is like my prayers were answered ya know?! Everything I had wanted from the plays this year I got in this one play it seems. It's like even though I don't have many lines as Lady Montague it isn't horrible because that gave me a chance to be a musician in the play and sing. WOOT! My Musician name that Celia gave me is Gianna. We had to look the meanings of our names and I like the meaning a lot of that one. It means "God's Grace" or "Gracious gift from God." Anyway the read through went pretty well. A bunch of funny things occurred during the last few scenes where the lovers die and a bunch of people have died and it's like "Dude this is supposed to be a tragedy and sad!" but seriously so many funny bloopers or just antics were happening that we were laughing so much we were almost in tears. I guess it was good to have the comic relief though the first time so we wouldn't be depressed everytime we rehearsed that scene. Oh u may be asking how could funny antics occur in a read through...well Celia had us read through the play on our feet. She believes u remember lines easier by actually putting actions to them so that is why. So the night finally came to a close a little past 10. Went home and Alyssa called me. I had amazing conversations with her and we were just laughing and joking about so much and luckily i believe i made her feel better about some things. I ended up staying on the phone with her until like 3 am...a break in between cause she was going to meet a friend on campus. Anyway it was funny cause it was like no we don't want to get off the phone...and we came to the conclusion that we are so dating each other hahaha. It just makes sense...the only things missing is the physical aspect haha....oh wait we are having an affair so umm.....yeah anyways! hehehehe I love ya so much Alyssa and miss you and can't wait to see u again! after talking with her for hours I went to bed...and oh my god it felt great to sleep now I am just bored and trying to make plans for the in the mean time I am gonna leave it here and say i hope things are well with everyone. Much love!