When Part Of Me Dies Will I Let You Go...

Jun 27, 2005 00:27

This Entry was written in my Xanga on...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Alright I am finally back at a computer that works...not like i haven't been plenty times in the past week but i have either been lazy or gotten side tracked.

Anyway...latest and i mean most latest update and then i will start from where i left off..... ALON IS BACK!!!!!!! I was so fucking excited. I was watching the Terminal with Richard cause he had not seen it and all of a sudden the phone rings...it was my mom's line so I am like meh not getting it. She comes in the room like 5 minutes later and is like melanie can u come here please...im like uhhh what did i do....she goes "Alon is on the phone" my face goes bright as ever and I run to the phone pick it up and he says "hello" and I literally scream...i put the phone away from my mouth a little...don't worry...didn't want to turn him deaf. He was saying how much he missed me and how it was so great to hear my voice again and yeah he was just telling me brief stuff and we made plans to see each other the next day which at this point would be yesterday. Before i continue I will back track to the celtic festival and lead up to now.

Celtic festival......equals.....FUCKING AMAZING! I had such a blast. Even though it was randomly scorching hot it still was fun as ever. I wanted to get my face painted but it cost money which i didn't have . Jen Dave Richard and I spent the better part of the day walking around looking at all the vendors and listening to live music at the different stages. The first vendor we went to i believe was a metal works type person. Everything hand made of course so it was exspensive but i got plenty of cards for future reference if I ever feel like getting something awesome. He had knives that were really awesome looking and then he had literally....a spork....and by literally i mean one end was a spoon and the other end a fork.... it was fabulous. Jen and I marveled over that for quite some time. We passed by other vendors and then the historical booths. Took a walk down the Celtic Trail which was quite peacefull. I liked it a lot. There were people acting out poetry and stories. The trail led us to the other side with more vendors. Of course there were kily vendors which i told Dave and Richard to purchase but no such luck lol.....plenty of people were wearing them however. The jewelry makers were amazing. I found the claddagh ring I want....a little pricey though....got the card so I can invest in it someday...when I find a picture of it i will post it cause it is so unique and so beautiful and i was like this is the claddagh ring i so freakin want....and it is so amazing that until i find something better that is what i want in the future.

The celtic clothing vendors were awesome too. I wanted a dress so badly but again exspensive and again gonna look into it later. There was this amazing trench coat that would have been perfect for Dave, this amazing leather skirt and top for a girl (oh my god I still want it), and this amazing outfit that they said was supposed to be a somewhat replica of Aragorn's costume from LOTR which would have looked so sexy on Richard...I insist he gets it someday...or something like it. next we also went to this wood works guy....his stuff was awesome. I loved the goblets...the best part was that there was a teeny tiny *note how i am squeaking the words teeny and tiny* goblet just for Jen. She loved it so much. other than that there were lots of neat artists and yummy food. I did however get a new claddagh ring for the time being... it's really purrday and has a red stone....and it's shiny....ah i remembered the stone...garnet...real garnet. It's pretty and imported from Ireland. Jen got a couple rings. Richard got his first Claddagh ring that is so freakin cool looking. it has this celtic design around the ring and it's just pretty and it really seems like a guys claddagh ring so it's cool. He was happy. We looked around some more. Richard and I found out about this christmas festival later in the year and we are planning on going for one reason....Seven Nations is the main band! yeah that's right I will be seeing them again. After that we just sat and tried to cool down next to the water cooler which only had ice. We indulged ourselves with the ice. Awaited 7:30 to go the pub stage and see Gaelic Storm. They were the main band and for anyone who has seen Titanic they were the band that did the celtic music in the scene where they were partying in the lower class. We went and got good seats. In short they were freakin amazing. They were so entertaining. The lead singer was hilarious and i loved the irish accent. He told people to get up and dance and they actually took a break because last calls were happening and they were like "EVERYONE GET DRINKS NOW!!!" and they literally took a one minute break to get as much alcohol as possible lol. I love them so much. The music was fantastic. I want their CD. I can't even remember all the funny jokes the guy made. One point he told everyone they had to stand. Everyone was clapping and people were dancing in the isles....the best part came when one of the festival security guys dressed in a kilt came over to this one woman and got her to dance...what seemed to be river dancing with him. He then grabbed my hand and I joined in and I grabbed Richard's and then the guy left and we were dancing in a circle and it was absolutely fantastic. Jen and Dave had smiles on their faces while watching. The last dance song we all danced and it was so much fun. I had a fantastic time. I was sad when it was over.

I came home the next day and was offered a job at Forever 21. I took the job considering I need money and hey it was something.... i am gonna quit though in a few weeks cause i could be getting a job elsewhere that treats their employees better and hours aren't so rediculous. Seriously it is a bad place to work but i will get my paycheck and leave....i honestly now realize how amazing starbucks was and that is one place I am gonna try and got my job back at. I am hoping if all my other options fail i can do that. Jen got a job at Bennigan's so woot for her!

Wednesday I was with Alyssa and we went to the clinic in Laurel. Free and confidential.... The only bad part was the taking blood. My mom still doesn't know...try to figure out a way to tell her that i am now on birth control. It feels amazing though to have been able to take responsibility and do this on my own...it feels like i am growing up a bit more and taking the idea of sex to a more mature level by playing it safe. Richard and I have already discussed it. We aren't saying that in the month that the birth control finally kicks in we will have sex....but at least I will be on it so if the time is right we both can be ready. It's amazing to love someone that much to want to do such an act with them...It is also amazing how close I am...it feels...refreshingly nice. The actual exam wasn't bad...everyone there were so freaking nice...and I wasn't really uncomfortable at all...they didnt have to do a thorough exam because I hadn't had sex yet, so it only lasted for 5 seconds....the longest part of the entire appointment was the paper work. So I got my little pamphlet telling me how to take it and got my first three supplies of birth control and of course condoms hehe. I called Richard when I got out and was like "Riiiicharrrd I got u a gift" and he laughed. After that I went to work. Then got picked up by Jen, Dave, Richard, and Riss. Chipotle greeted me. I had a burrito even though I had eaten a few hours before that. I couldn't turn it down since they got it for me. We all sat and had burritos at Dave's and Riss left afterwards and then Skippy came and then Alyssa and then we watched American Pie 2. Richard and I slept over there after that and the next day we just hung out more...for some reason i am forgetting major events on that day.

let's fast forward. Saturday had work til 5. Afterwards (had a horrible day at work by the way) Richard was waiting for me outside and I ran into his arms and didn't let go of him for like 5 minutes. We then went to Dave's and got into Judy's car to go to her house to get money and meet up with Jen. We then all went to Regal Cinemas in Rockville to get yummy Potbelly's sandwiches. Finally we went to go see Batman Begins.....which....holy freakin crap...was amazing. I loved it so much! I love Batman and I really think that has to be the best out of all the batman movies made... i dunno why but I liked it that much. It was just really well done. After the movie we went back to Dave's and had home made chunky monkeys....(amazing milkshake from the silver Diner) Judy works as a hostess there and learned how to make them so we got the ingrediants....yummy chunks of banana and tiny chocolate chip morsels and oh my god so much deliciousness... It was good. I then went home cause I had work the next day....I had work til 6:30 and went home to hang out with Richard...this is when Alon called.

Yesterday Alon arrived at 4...I opened the door and hugged him forever and we exchanged a kiss on the cheek like we always do....we are just the bestest of friends. I missed him so much and he missed me. we spent hours upon hours talking about anything and everything...we had a lot of catching up to do. Even with all the e-mails we write to each other we had so much catching up to do. We listened to music that each other had to hear and approved greatly of everything. We joked around and just talked and talked and talked more. I played some piano for him and we discussed ideas for a band. I am just so psyched he is home. He left at 9 to go to dinner with his dad and we hugged like 5 times. I am going to see him later today and then go to a coffee house to see Richard's band Lost Iniquity perform. I am excited for that. Richard came to get me after Alon left and then we went to Bennigan's with Judy, Dave, Jen and Skippy. The meal was delicious as were the hilarious jokes made by everyone. I would type them up except I am starting to get tired seeing how it is 4 AM. We migrated back to Dave's which is where I am now. Richard is a sleep on the couch. I shall join him soon... awww he is so cute when he sleeps! I love him so much! *wiggles with joy* So yeah in the mean time this is my update and I will write again soon cause as we know that when Alon is home crazy ass events are bound to happen. So, hope everyone is well and I will try to keep in better touch. Loves!

I will write an update of things that have happened til present like the amazing concert giving by Richard's band, the solstice/Basementality Day of the Sandwich (long story), Me hating my job quitting and planning on going back to starbucks, Richard's parents going out of town and having an amazing time, and then me getting pissed off at inconsiderate people cause they seem to like getting what they can out of me as long as they are happy, oh and the interesting conversations i have had With Alon lately. I love how opened we have been...closing the book on many things is awesome. Anyway...write all about these events and maybe a couple more later. In the mean time hope everyone is doing well and I appreciate all of you who take the time to think of others than yourselves. Thank you to those who listen and understand me. Thank you to those who let me cry on their shoulder and thank you to those who think twice before acting . Thank you to those who pay attention to the ones they know something might bother them and so they stop because they care about that someone more than their own pleasurable needs. Thank you to those who are just there really for everyone else and put themselves last. I know I would do it for you and I try to as much as possible so thank you....you will know who u are.
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