May 02, 2011 19:32
As we all know by know, Osama bin Laden is dead.
Many people chanted "USA! USA!" when hearing the news. There are some others who feel that chants of these sort reflect a type of "orgasmic eurphoria" over violence.
I have to respectfully disagree. I do not think that Bin Laden has transformed this country from one that abhors violence to one that gains "orgasmic eurphoria" from it. Bin Laden was an enemy to all mankind, not just Americans. He endeavored, in his life, to take away the life of those who did not agree with him. His life was devoted to death. His death is thus devoted to life.
I did not chant "USA! USA!" but I am glad that he is dead. Let me be a little clearer about why. I oppose the death penalty, for moral reasons. Plenty of individuals have devoted themselves to murder and suffering of the innocents. In the normal situation, the response is to arrest those individuals and to keep them in jail for the rest of their natural lives (depending on their crime). While in jail, they can be allowed to see the error of their ways and embrace a "culture of life." Even if they do not change their views, at a minimum they are no longer a threat to another human being. Thus, there is no reason to kill these people. They are no longer an active threat to others.
Bin Laden presents a different set of circumstances. He could not be placed in custody and was an active threat to the entire world, whether free or unfree. His network still lives on. Killing this man was thus an acceptable moral option becuase self-defense is a morally acceptible option. There will be retailiatory attacks. Not now, but eventually. But his leadership will be missed in that organization.
Even with all of the foregoing, it is imortant to remember that the country which has purportedly become enveloped in an "orgasmic euphoria" over his death also gave him the chance to live. The SEALS asked him to surrender. He didn't. When he didn't, they did what was the only logical option left. After we killed him, we gave him an Islamic burial. Public Enemy No. 1, who would never have given an American soldier a burial consistent with their moral beleifs, was given a burial that refects his. For a nation that has become obsessed with violence, we sure did seem to use it carefully.
I do not think that Bin Laden was an evil man, nor do I think he will go to hell. It's not for me to say. But what we can say is that celebrating his death is not celebrating the concept of death, but rather the preservation of future life.
I also think it is irritating that somebody who writes an article passes judgement on me without having even ever met me. Who are they to say who eurphoric I have become over violence? Those Americans in the streets were happy becuase life was saved today, that is NOT a victory for Bin Laden or evil.
Of course, if there are people who disagree with me (as there often are, lol) I aprreicate any opions they may have on the matter. I would like to hear them, if they are willing to offer them. All I would ask is that if anybody wants to say that I, or anybody else, is being choked by euphoria, please just hear me out. A friend of mine often reminds me that I should hear out the facts before jumping to any conclusion, I would only ask that anybody else do the same.
( I am also irritated with those who are euphoric becuase they perceive this as a political victory for President Obama, but that is another topic for another time.)