Aug 31, 2007 05:39
so good news i edited and burned another hit john and jed joint. that take 2 track i told you about, i put in after the gbm track and it works so well there i did not realise when one ended and other began. of course was severaly high at time to, so i guess it has to pass one more test, but im sure we have a winer. those two tracks make 35 minutes which i guess we could leave as is and make "tennis" an lp length album, or add more on if we have time. for demoes just gbm track is fine but if you have lost it iw ill burn you copy with both tracks. is a good coda track becuase it is good to have 1 under 10 minute songto go along with long piece for radio play. plus nice samp[le of your new setup to go with different one from show, and my technique of toothbrushes on sax sounds really good shifting and sliding on top of it, but only way sax sounds good as guitar in this style and not worth dragging along so this could be its one shining moment.
next your new setup verse my old one, plus new piece i added. bouncy steel wool .makes lots of the great sounds you think it would but the fact you can put pressure on it through weight because it is bouncy makes for a really intersting conceopt. i lay it right over contact mik and rest hand on it and by moving fingers and pulling at it get all kinds of nice pops and sractches, buty an interesting conmcept piece could also be made by just resting hand without moving on it, the naturtal muscle twitches and force of gravity or whatever make irrgular pacerd sparse sounds in nice patterns not really under my control.
actually doing this track and playing around with new preparation pulled me out of horrible depression this week. it was funny because all week i was down ion music and everything sounded bad and didnt want to even do it, and then getting myself immersed in it for an hour tuesday night like oput my brain on reset and got me going again.
so one change in my narcotic life is an abandonment on taking extra clonpin on thursdays. making me stupid. you remeber how i said fucked my equilibrium to shit and couldnt find chair, well also clogges brain, abilty to stand and after a few weeks of fun, really a little sick of how incapactating it is. i was thinking that is differenec between me and drew. he would increase dose at this point so he would have an nightmare time and punish himself andf go crazy, where i felt like i was punishing myself in some way by how fucked i have been all night tonight, like fucked beyong narcotic nod bliss drool, and into stumble drunk brain dead mode and that is not the way to writing hit songs or thinking up great guitar riffs so i will go back to my old thursday setup.
oh one more thing about dat tape. the first take you cant hear the sax at all except for when i hold out cleantone notes. actually it is a nice combo your weirdmness with some quiet straight sax bubbling up. sadly every quiet thing i did can not be heard. guitar is really where i am going to concentrate simple because of volume. however you really kick ass on that track. you have some really intricate stuff buuilat up and sounds great. i thjink this duo is defiinately most fullfilling artistic direction i have had in any desciupline.
so here are the two books i am reading and enjoying about equally immensely,, "the words" which is the autobiography of john paul sartre, and "the sluts" by dennis cooper