May 26, 2008 23:13
In exactly one hours time I will be 24 years old and I find myself ecstatic and I don't know why? Numbers rarely mean much in regards to my own progression in this world, although when I turned 21 I really wanted to hop on a round trip flight to Orlando and back and stick it to that bartender whom wouldn't give me a drink when I was 19 (Although he didn't seem to shive a git so I don't think my vengeance would have been all that sweet).
I've been joking with people about being "one year away from being half way to 50" and getting rolling eyes because of not getting my sarcasm. I just don't think people get me sometimes or it maybe partially as my dear friend Jordan says: "you always finish your own conversations in your head out loud and therefore no one gets what the fuck you're talking about." To him I have to say...oh yeah, forgot to send out invites for that...(heh!) Getting back to it I have the feeling in my belly that I used to have when I awoke on Christmas morning like a rabid mongoose, all ready to pounce and erm infect people with rabies? Ok, so I don't know where I was going with that, so let's just re-direct and I'll get to the gosh darn point.
I'm excited because I've decided to invite every year to come to me as a friend with a warm hug and a friendly smile, lam bast all the HB's you want on me because to me Happy Birthday will always mean "thank you for being alive and in my life for another year." Yeah maybe I'm reading too much into a simple platitude but dammit, it's my day and I'll interpret what I want and how I want to! (Gah I hate ending sentences with prepositions!)
Anyhow welcome 24, I got a feeling something great is going to happen this year. It has for the last 23 so don't stop the music!
Much love and cookies,
Michael Frederick "Coug" Coughlan the 1st, esq. :-)