As inspired by Rorscharch from the Watchmen...

May 16, 2008 20:00

Quick blurbs:

- Doing a play next week "Geography of a Horse Dreamer" by Sam Shepherd with Nasty Shadows Theatre company based out of UNB. Quite excited. Playing cowboy whom shoots up all the players at the end of the show and rescues brother along with other brother. Starting to sound like Darryl and his brothers from Bob Newhart show. If interested: UNB, Mem Hall, May 22-24, 8pm, Hurm...not sure of price, check with front door and they'll tell you.
- Got cast in an evening of David Ives scenes, found out today, quite excited. Working with a unique cast, Ilkay, couple student directors, short scenes = much fun :-). More to follow on that.
- Turning 24 in a week. Starting to see some gray hairs in my head. Freaked out at first, now happy about it. Was told that I may look like Clooney as it progressed. Still don't know what to do for birthday, maybe swim party? Maybe kareoke? Maybe both? Will decide this weekend.
- Doing dragon boat festival in Moncton on June 7th. Quite excited as I've never done this before and am anticipating what it'll be like. Excited to hang out with John Jamer as I haven't seen him since the Romard's wedding.
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