(no subject)

Aug 14, 2008 19:08

Phone was found. :))))))))) I'm going to go pick it up tomorrow.

In the last call the pervert guy made to me last night, he said he was just going to leave the phone somewhere. It turns out that's exactly what he did. A cyclist riding around Richardson this morning found it on the sidewalk or something (near Campbell & Plano, not far from work at all. Meaning that it probably WAS his car I saw drive off), and found my "Home" number in the phone (thank God it hadn't died yet!!!), called my house, and left a message. I just called him back and I can go pick it up tomorrow!!!! Well, we, Kevin is insisting on coming with me, and my mom agrees. hahah.
(Don't worry, it's definitely not the same guy. Different voice, different attitude. This guy sounds much older and really nice. And he also went ahead and gave me his address, and also offered to mail it to me instead.)

I'm still not at peace; I won't feel reassured until I have the phone in my hands. XD After all, I've had something stolen from me before, then had it found, then had it stolen again due to negligence on the part of the people who found it (at RSM... they just left my stolen wallet out on the kiosk counter like dumbasses, and of course someone else walked by and grabbed it and it was gone forever). fingers crossed...
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