Letter of introduction

Dec 31, 2011 13:19

Hello! This journal is mostly friends only. I don't think it's fair to have a completely friends-only journal, because then it's hard for new people to get a feel for whether they want to add you. And some entries are harmless enough that they can stay public (which isn't all that many for me, but still a few from time to time). So, what you see below is an extremely brief sampling of what I write, which is mostly the things that are going on in my life that I feel like I need to remember later. These can range from boring to interesting to humorous, and sometimes feature pictures.

Friending policy is that I'm always flattered to be friended, and unless you seem too idiotic/boring/etc, I will most likely add you back. If I haven't after a month or so, however, please take me off your friends list, cause that's just weird, and unnerves me. I also make it a point to read every entry on my friends list and try to comment when I feel like it.

So, if you want to add me, please leave a comment in this entry. :) And, there you go!

Journal now closed!
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