Title: 10 - Living for the weekend
littlesumoRating: PG-13
Pairing: Kelly/Skrtel
Disclaimer: This is fiction; not true.
A/N: The beginning is inspired by my train ride back from the Schalke match on the 23rd *cough*
As I'm not a native English speaker I had to google the terminology of parts of a base cap and found the
Anatomy of a Baseball Cap. While it's just facts and not an exciting read, I found it funny that it existed at all. :)
Martin was sitting down, base cap on his head, head bent slightly. By all appearances he could be dozing, even Henderson fiddling with his phone beside him probably didn't notice him being wide awake. And he was glad for that because it afforded him to be in his own little world and not be disturbed.
Kelly was standing in front of him, talking to Charlie. His waist was at eye level and Martin couldn't help but look. At how his sweats hung low on his hips, slim hips still, despite all the work out, as Kelly was a slim, lanky guy by nature. Glimpses of pelvis and a flat stomach where his T-shirt rode up whenever he gestured with his hands. The soft material of the sweats accentuating every curve. Rounding over his dick.
It was impossible that Kelly could see where his eyes were, the bill of the cap hiding his face completely, especially when looking down at him as Kelly would, but Martin still felt like some of his thoughts must be radiating off of him and he averted his eyes, threw a glance at Hendo.
But they were irrevocably drawn back. It was kind of exciting too, knowing he could watch without a chance of being caught. But it didn't stop at looking. His mind conjured up images of him letting his hands travel over the expanse of those hips, fabric under his fingertips, seeking the warmth underneath. Fingers pushing into the waistband, pulling, taking the underwear with it.
And then it would be so easy to just lean forward, put his mouth on Kelly's cock, coax it into hardness and beyond.
Kelly shuffled his feet, unconsciously changing his angle so he was facing more away from Martin, and he was pulled out of his daydream, becoming aware again where he was, where they were. He could feel the vibrations of the train under him changing and he knew they were slowing, nearing their destination.
In that moment he made the decision to try and find out if Kelly was interested in making his daydream come true.