iPod Drabbles ~ FrUK

May 26, 2012 16:44

Title: iPod Drabbles
Series: Hetalia
Characters: England and France are the main ones. Mentions of other nations.
Pairing: FrUK. Mentioned UKUS.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Mild sexual content.
Summary: France and England's relationship told through ten different songs.
Notes: This is pretty old. It was one of the first FrUK things I wrote to help me try to work out how I wanted to write them.

The rules:

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.

2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.

3. Write a ficlet related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterwards!

4. Do ten of these, and then post them.

1). I Would Do Anything for You - Foster the People

Arthur would never admit it to France but his actions always spoke louder than the Englishman’s words. He would do absolutely anything for Francis. If the nation of romance had heard that one hundred years ago he would have laughed it off as a practical joke, but as he sat back to back with the man in a dirty, cold trench, he couldn’t help but agree that Arthur really would do anything. It wasn’t an ordinary man who would join a dying man in a place like this, in a time like this. Francis had even argued that Arthur needed to think of his own people, but he had reassured him that he was there to help his people and not Francis. That lie had been broken when Francis caught Arthur covering him over with a scratchy blanket one night though.

2). Make me Wanna Die - The Pretty Reckless

Their teenage years had been… interesting to say the least. Europe was a corrupt place, a conflicted place. Every country wanted to be the best. They wanted to show each other that they were worth more. And none more than England. He was determined. He would no longer be a lonely island nation with bullying older brothers. He would no longer be seen as a weak country to be invaded. He would show Francis. He was good enough. Good enough to take over the entire world, France included if he had to. Perhaps that would get their attention? Perhaps then Francis might see him as a worthy opponent. If he had to kill or be killed in the process, then so be it.

3). The Bones of You - Elbow

Francis watched Arthur as he juggled with his pants, trying to pull them up, other hand grasping the phone, eyebrows furrowed angrily at whoever was on the other side. He had papers tucked under his arm. Francis leaned back against the headboard of the bed and brought his cigarette to his mouth. Anyone else would be angry that their boyfriend had just leapt from the bed to answer a call from another nation, but Francis wasn’t. Instead he watched Arthur’s boxer clad derriere as it wiggled around while he tried to pull his pants up one-handed. Francis smirked to himself and quietly crept towards him. He grasped the pants and pulled them up, eliciting a loud yelp from the Englishman, who almost dropped the phone.
                He turned his scruffy blonde head around to glare at him through those eyebrows of his, face burning with anger and embarrassment and Francis just smiled, kissing behind his ear softly and adjusting the man’s tie. With that, the busy nation was on his way, still shouting angrily down the phone and cursing as he went.

4). Cry Me a River - Michael Buble

Francis gulped, his throat tight and burning. On the other end of the phone, sitting somewhere in a London pub, Arthur was spouting off drunken apologies and words of regret. Francis laughed bitterly, something he never often did. He hung up the phone and turned over to curl into a ball under his covers. It wasn’t fair. He wanted to accept the apologies, he wanted to go back to how it was, but how could he when Arthur still had feelings for that… that… how could he have feelings for that uncultured man over himself? What was it about him that Arthur did not like? Francis didn’t know how many times he’d cried over this and he wanted nothing more than to let the Englishman cry himself to sleep on the cold, lonely surface of a bar.

5). Take a Chance on me - JLS

It had not been easy to get Arthur where he was right now. Curled up in Francis’ arms, face peaceful, breathing softly. Francis wondered what he was dreaming about. He assumed it was nice things, for unlike when Arthur was awake and it was almost impossible to tell what he was thinking, in sleep the man was like a book. He would cry out names in his sleep, he would thrash and kick and he would even cry sometimes. Sometimes he would merely have conversations with his imaginary friends. The peaceful look on the man’s face told him that Arthur was happy in his dreams tonight.
                He finally trusted Francis and it felt amazing. Better than he had expected to hold the man in his arms and keep him safe. He’d been patient with him. After all, England did not have a good track record with love, what with his childhood years, fighting off his older brothers, the Vikings, Francis’ brother Normandy and more recently, his breakup with America and all of the other nations he had tried to date in the past who had left him in the dust. Francis had always loved Arthur. Well, perhaps not always, of course, but more recently, certainly for at least a human lifetime. He loved the man and all he wanted was to protect him, to show him real love.

6). 10,000 Nights - Alphabeat

England shifted uncomfortably as the French man stopped outside yet another shop window, cooing happily at the display. Arthur brought his eyes to look at it all and cringed visibly. He wasn’t used to all this… openness yet. It was bordering on cheesy romance novel stuff and he was getting more and more uncomfortable by the minute. Francis had noticed, of course, but the man loved to torture him so.
                He allowed himself to be pulled to the next window and found himself looking at rows upon rows of Valentines things. He gave Francis a look and shook his head. He wasn’t used to all this romantic crap and Francis wasn’t going to leave it alone. It was tradition, he would say. Suddenly, he found himself being pulled into an alleyway, a private alley and he felt Francis press his lips against his own. It was chaste, sweet and tender. They held hands and stayed there for a moment. Francis always knew how to make him feel better.

7). Sugar, We’re Going Down - Fall Out Boy

France and England stood facing each other. Their swords were drawn, their people were clashing around them. They stared at each other, green against blue eyes roaming over each other. Mud stuck to them, blood splattered across their clothes, swords dripping with rain or something more sinister, they couldn’t look. This was the way it was, but they hated it.              
                Finally, England managed to get a hold of himself. It was time to end the fight. Nations knew it was the end when they found themselves facing the other nation in person. Whoever won now would win the whole war. They charged towards each other with a fierceness they didn’t know they possessed, eyes flashing. They knew they were going down.

8). Tears dry on their own - Amy Winehouse

Arthur cursed himself repeatedly, forehead pressed against the smooth, sticky surface of the bar, phone still clutched against his ear. Francis had put the phone down on him and he knew it was his fault. All his fault. Why couldn’t he get over the past? He could never do it. He was useless at forgiving and forgetting and he supposed it only served him right that Francis couldn’t forgive or forget this. Arthur would have reacted the same way.
                So he ignored the wetness seeping through his sleeve from his eyes and the burning in his chest that didn’t come from his cooking or alcohol. He lay still at the bar and wasn’t even fully aware when someone pulled him from the stool and took him home. It could have been anyone. A brother, Portugal, America… Or Francis. He hoped it was him, but he didn’t dare. He was right. It wasn’t him. He knew because when he woke up his tears had dried alone.

9). Misery - Maroon 5

Arthur let his head fall in his hands, a familiar headache coming along. The silence of the house just pressed down on him until the pressure got too much. Why everyone assumed he liked to be alone, sipping his tea, eating his own cooking and listening to the silence, he didn’t know. For goodness sake, he was the country that brought the Beatles, Gods of music! If there was one thing he hated, it was the silence. A continuing presence which whispered tauntingly in his ear that he was alone. Still. After conquering half of the world, he was as alone as those first days when he knew no one.
                When he felt arms circle his waist and a chest behind his head, he didn’t flinch or pull away. He needed him. As he began speaking in that ridiculously romantic language, he decided he didn’t mind it all that much. After all anything is better than the misery of silence.

10). Boys will be Boys - The Ordinary Boys

Arthur managed to pin the older man down beneath him, a smirk on his lips. Neither was sure whether they were trying to fight or something else. The goal had been to get into a bed, but they found themselves slamming against walls, throwing each other down on the floor and rolling around in a tangle of limbs.
                Francis leaned up and caught his mouth in an argument, their tongues dancing to get their point across. Using Arthur’s obvious surprise at the action, Francis managed to push the smaller man off of him and in the process knocked him into the bed. Knees folding against their will, Arthur fell backwards on to the bed and Francis had him pinned once more.

I think you can tell that I wasn't quite into it at first and then it started flowing a little better. There are some that I like and some that I don't. Oh well! I would change some parts, but those rules! I must obey. O.O
1). Set in WWI in the trenches.
3). I think this is probably my favourite. It was my first time writing fluffy domestic stuff ^^
4 and 8). 8 is a sequel to 4, I think.
5). I mentioned Normandy as France's brother. I'm not really sure why, since I usually just go with France as the representation of Normandy too. Sometimes I just think of Normandy as a separate person, I suppose.
Some of the stories don't really match up to the lyrics and those are the ones where I went mostly off what the song actually sounded like or the title of it to come up with something to write.

Hope you enjoyed :D

fanfiction, england, hetalia, arthur, francis, france

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