Nov 08, 2004 23:45
so ya i wuz readin sum of my brothers journals and sum of my gfs, tonite.. its koo my brother likes to talk bad about everything and my gurlfriend comments on everything he says. she even talkes about me in it. lik i dont read it or sumthing. well i dont but when i do i dont wanna see my gurl talkin to my brother about me in a bad way. most of the stuff she says is cute like she is goin to be his sister-in-law, since were gettin married and everything. but i wuz wonderin if i start talkin about the whold in a bad way will my gf start talkin on my comment thing more or will that just mess everything up since that is the way brandon is doin it. i dont kno. well il think of sumthing to do to get her to comment. maybe since im talkin about this then she will cuz she is goin to get mad at the fact that im bringin her up and talkin to brandon alot, i dont kno. well i do cuz i kno she will get mad.. but thats ok cuz im her bf and i can say wut i want and she is goin to have sumthing to say about it. be it mad or happy talkins, i dont kno. now she is prob. goin to tell brandon one day when im not home that i talk about him and her talkin to much or sumthing lik that. its not that i think she is cheatin on me with him it is just that i think they talk online more then me and her talk all day. but thats koo there "friends." i have more to say on this but i better stop seein as how im never goin to here the end of it from barb when she reads this tomrw. or when she wants to read it.