Research Paper #97 -- Voice Post

Jul 20, 2007 10:23


WHO LET A BIRD IN HERE?! It's going to set off my allergies!!

You can't be allergic to me, idiot.

Of course I can! I've been allergic to birds since I was--


The bird can talk?

I have a name you know. I'm Eumelia. And I'm not exactly a bird, I'm a daemon.


Your soul.

...Either this is a curse day, or I'm having a really, really weird nightmare.

It's not a dream. Do you want me to peck you to prove it?

No! [huff] This doesn't make any sense!

Why doesn't it? Lyra has one!

But I don't! I've never had one!

Oh, you've always had a soul, even when you choose to ignore it.

What's that supposed to mean?! If you're my soul, aren't you supposed to be nice to me??

Good question.

Good questions deserve an answer.

[sigh] Answer it yourself!


((OOC: Autor's daemon is a jackdaw, inspired by this wonderful drabble written by nebroadwe. ...Of course, I think Cre-Cre was compared to a jackdaw, too, but oh well. Autor'll live with it.))

!affected, autor has issues, !curse day

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