I was feeling bored and restless last night. I think it's because I had just returned from a great vacation and I was having trouble readjusting to Real Life. I was in the mood for some good escapist fun, but reading or watching a movie wasn't cutting it. So I wandered around my apartment, moping, until I came up with a plan. I proposed it to my roommates, expecting to get a negative response.
Me: Hey guys, do you want to play dress-up with me?
Laura and Phae: Sure.
I love my roommates.
Sam and Dean Winchester
We began simple. Laura, inspired by her jacket, became Girl!Dean Winchester. And who is Girl!Dean without her Girl!Sam!? (Who would totally wear a jean skirt.)
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy
We then turned to Harry Potter, which is one of the easiest things to cosplay. My awesome Slytherin tie is really a sock. Dress-up is only fun if you have to improvise.
Phaedra used her wicked skillz and Potterized us even more.
Draco is jealous that Harry got to be in the Triwizard Tournament. I'm jealous of Phaedra's awesome jacket.
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin
Laura thought it would be funny if she wore my Hogwarts robe over her black and white striped shirt and see if we could guess who she was. I knew she was Sirius before she had put on the robe. This picture takes place in the Shrieking Shack when Remus and Sirius have reunited twelve (or however many years) later. How touching.
Then we decide to relive the good old days when we were the Marauders and play with our map. Those are supposed to be scars on my face, once again supplied by Phaedra's skillz.
Harry Potter
Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took
We were going to be Frodo and Sam, but Merry and Pippin have more fun. We're doing a Hobbit jig.
Spike and Angel
Being devoid of short skirts and fuzzy sweaters, we couldn't be many characters from the Buffyverse (and a lack of suspenders kept us from doing Firefly). But we do have black. And vampires are fun (unless they sparkle). So here is Spike being all cool and stuff, and a mopey Angel.
After we had changed back into our pyjamas, Phaedra and I realised that we had missed a few essential characters. We could have been a fingerless-glove wearing Mitchell the vampire, and a plaid-clad George the Werewolf of Being Human. And if we'd owned more red, we could have been Arthur and Merlin. (For whatever reason, I have a collection of plastic shields and swords.) But they'll be saved for another day, I suppose.