I finally set up the sewing machine that I got for Christmas last year tonight. Which means I can get to work on my Dr. Horrible costume. I have no pattern, so I'm completely making it up as I go along, and I don't think that cutting my only material at 1am was the smartest idea, but I'm sure I can work with whatever I did. I hope, I mean.
Bobbins are evil. And the entire time I was sewing (I only did one side because it's a very loud machine, and it's 2:30am now) I had the
Project Runway Musical in my head (mostly the Surger song). Probably because I jammed the machine at first, because of the stupid bobbin. But it's set up now. I can just never change the thread ever again. And then I sewed the short side on the wrong side, so I got to use my thread ripper for the first time!
So yeah. I'm getting a little nervous about getting the gloves/goggles/boots. I found some goggles on ebay, but I've never bought anything from ebay before, and I'm scared to try. The boots I might be screwed for, but I think I can find some white gloves. If not, I'll just make them, and line them so that they are thicker.
I am, however, also very excited for the photo shoot! We probably have a Dr. Horrible, Dead!Penny, Captain Hammer and a Moist. There's another one coming, maybe two, but I don't know if she wants to be Dr. Horrible relates, or who she could me, other than a fangirl. I go through the different shots in my head whenever I have a moment to think. Phaedra choking me, me and Phaedra fighting over Laura, Phaedra standing on a car, me with my freeze ray (which I still have to make), Laura doing laundry, Laura and Phaedra having dinner, me and Laura singing My Eyes, with a wall in between us (me being angsty and Laura hopeful). Insert Moist in here in many a way.
I'm even more excited for Halloween than my birthday, which is in less than two weeks - [Canadian] Thanksgiving Weekend. I mean, who wants cake and presents when you can dress up as a singing super-villian!
(Laura, Phaedra and I watched Hocus Pocus last night. I think it's one of my favourite movies of all time.)