I decided to go to the
Piercing Emporium today. So far it is my favorite piercing studio that I've been to in the bostonish area. The piercer there, Marc, is really nice and professional. The reason I decided to go was that my
prince albert(nsfw link) piercing was feeling kind of sore and pinchy during certain activities. It is perfectly healthy, healed, and not infected. It just seemed as though the ring was getting slightly pulled or irritated at times. I had planned on stretching it from its current 10 gauge captive bead ring to a 6g curved barbell that I ordered at the studio. We made the trip out to Worcester and had a talk with Marc about my troubles. He seemed to think, as I did, that the diameter of the ring was a bit too big and if I went a tighter diameter and a thicker ring that would solve my problems. In his words, though, that didn't matter all that much because we were going to go to the curved barbell which wouldn't have that problem. He grabbed a 10-6g
taper and the 6g curved barbell and got ready to do his thing. He inserted the taper and started to push it through. About halfway through the pain started to get to me. I had him stop for a second so I could adjust a bit. So at this point it is stretched to about an 8g and I'm sweating and in a bit of pain. The pain starts to go away and I tell him to keep going. He got about 3/4 the way to a 6g and I had to make him stop. I was slightly annoyed because I really wanted the curved barbell. Since he didn't have a 8g curved barbell in stock I had him just slip in a 8g CBR. That went in without any trouble. He didn't even have to use a taper at that point. So now I'll let this heal up a bit, try it out, and hope it doesn't pinch or hurt. At that point I'll try to size up to the 6g. I hope things turn out well because I think it looks quite nice and when it isn't pinching it feels good too. I'll keep you all updated. I'm sure you are curious. :P